Posting (somewhat) DAILY from the fair city of St. Louis Mo! Keep up by subscribing! See the madness evolve before your very eyes! (Click The Pic Above To Go To The Main Page!)
Mr. Modtomic isn't the only purveyor of delicious vintage modern amazing-ness. Just take a look at booth 28. They opened maybe a couple weeks after me. They keep the booth sparsely availed of items, but they are pretty great items!
I had to drop by the Green Shag Market again today to fill a void in Booth 44 as the Danish Style Leather and Bentwood Rocking Chair has found a new home. Plus I wanted to post an update on the offerings since the Eames / Herman Miller dining table was made off with this week as well.
Some of this little group was picked up on the road while on vacation but I just picked up the big Garcia print today. I forgot about the red glass chalice and I need to find a proper shade for the little black and gold lamp.
When we roadtrip we like to keep it cheap. Mostly. You gotta hold something back for the big things like Para-sailing and Whitewater Rafting. And if you got a handful of quarters you'll have just as much fun as those...and in the airconditioning too!
They're out there. You might walk right by one and never know it...until they contact you through the internet, where everybody thinks they can say anything they like about anyone they want. And craiglist is rife with the little Napoleon complex jack-holes. If you've spent any time selling there you already know this. And this is why Mr. Modtomic asks for a tiny bit of your time.
I've had this set of Eames replica Eiffel base armchairs available at my booth (44) at the Green Shag Market since I picked them up from Dan (the fella with the killer joint full of Broyhill Brasilia) just heading off on our roadtrip vacation. I just had to pull them out yesterday as I wanted to install the Frem Rojle danish dining chairs into the limited area of my antique mall space.
After a buyer picked up the Eames Aluminum Group dining table from my booth (44) at the Green Shag Market antique mall I figured I better get down there and install another dining table in it's place. Since I was headed that direction anyway I thought I would pick up these smashing (OK, they WILL BE smashing...someday) dining chairs that had been put up on c-list. Look, I was going that way Anyway! Don't judge me.'s true, I can't stop.
After quickly wrapping up the Dorothy Thorpe chip and dip set (featured yesterday) that I picked up from estate sale #2, I started making my way home to get a few hours of much needed sleep. I am not a fan of leaving sleep on the table, but I spotted a green hand made "Estate Sale -->" sign at a corner. Ugh. Of course I turned around.
This unusual stacking display was also shown in the photos of the same estate sale where I picked up the Orange Overman swivel recliner I went on and on about a few days ago. I was also given pause by the price initially but when I figured this was really 4 pieces, well...
I had spotted a sizable set of Russel Wright Steubenville dinnerware all in grey at an estate sale Saturday that opened an hour after the sale where I picked up the Overman swivel recliner. I didn't waste any time at the first sale and got to the second sale about an 15 minutes before it started only to find I was picking up number 12. Hmmm.
Yup, Mr. Modtomic got lucky at the estate sale circuit this morning. There weren't a bunch of sales that "mattered" this morning. I only had two on my agenda. A third caught my attention on my way home and turned out to have some goodies too! I pulled off a hat trick today.
I grabbed up this pair of Jackson China bowls designed by Paul McCobb at one of the few thrift stores we could find in Glen Falls NY (near where we vacationed in Lake George NY). I initially just grabbed the pair of bowls and was going to GLADLY pay the marked price for them alone. The nice lady at the check out MADE me go back to the dishes with her and suss out the rest of the lot. Thanks Nice Lady!
On the one hand, I kinda hope it's a mask....cuz a Wookie head trophy is just....not right. Then again...putting a Wookie mask on is kind of...Hannibal Vader. ::shudder:: But let us digress and take a walk around the Southport Antique Mall, Indianapolis Indiana. There's lots of less questionable items to feast your eyes upon, promise!
I dropped the new display off today at my booth in the Green Shag Market along with a few new small items. I'm using the word "new" here pretty loosely. It's just "like" new! Don't you just love when you read that in a craigslist ad? Not new...just "like" new.
The Girlfriend and I were driving home from breakfast and a somewhat fruitless visit to a few of the local thrifts Sunday when she spotted an estate sale sign. I was ready to keep driving, but the sale was like right there on the corner. I could use a better garden hose, so....
Matchy matchy match match. Some of us have this thing. We want, Crave, NEED sets! Matched Pairs make us giddy. You might remember Dan's place from a posting I did a while back. He's definitely got it bad with the matched sets thing. He tasked Mr. Modtomic with finding him a matched set of lamps.
Now don't that just tug at ya? What more could you really want from your vacation digs? It's Right There on that beautiful beautiful lake! We so almost ended up staying here but I'm just so darn cheap.
You gotta love finding all pretty little things at your local "traps" but finding them on the road is even more fun. You get a cool looking item and a memory of where you were and what you were doing that day! This lot is from all over the North East!
This Broyhill Emphasis nine drawer dresser was listed today as simply "Large 9 Drawer Dresser with Two Mirrors". The $70 asking price reflect the disregard for name brand or excellent style. Some people just need to be rid of stuff!
We had just enough time in Columbus OH to take a peek inside this great little antique mall type shop. Believe me, I would have dragged the Girlfriend all through that town and it woulda gotten dark before we made tracks toward Lake George. Next time. Until then, won't you join me in a lil' tour of Funky + Functional?
A missed turn on a two lane blacktop while coming home found us passing by an out of the way antique mall. Of course we had to stab the brakes, turn around and check the place out! This is how we find a lot of the cool joints we patronize...luck or accident. Depends on your point of view I guess!
We checked out a LOT of Hotels and Motels around the Lake George NY area while we were there. All were pretty nice. Some were just more charming than others, like this little joint: the Flower Cottages.
A client of mine (Ahhhahahaahaaahaa...client, that's so funny! He's actually a buddy of mine.), ahem...anyway, he was looking for a matched pair of lamps for his pad. I didn't have any at the time and I haven't really seen many pairs other than more "retro" style, and I know he's not looking for retro. So I've been keeping an eye out for him. The Vacation Roadtrip payed off with plenty of pairs, though this is not the pair I found for my "Client".
I spent Sunday in it's entirety perusing, buying, transporting, cleaning up, photographing and storing this rather stunning King Size Dillingham bedroom suite. It was another seriously hot day here in St. Louis too. I got done just after dark and looked around to realize, this is all I've done all day!
I made sure I took a good look at the Retro Roadmap map page for upstate New York before we made our way to the Adirondacks for our vacation. We didn't see everything on the map but we LOVE Drive In Theaters so of course we checked out the Glen Drive In. It was even CHEAPER than our own beloved Skyview Drive In...huh! Who knew?!
One day while we were in Lake George NY it started drizzling on us so we decided to go for a little drive in the country side. We picked a random side road and drove. We were kinda looking for a good place to get some local eats but we found a little thrift shop instead and BLAM...score!
This is right off highway 70 about 40 miles east of downtown St. Louis. We pulled off just to check out the Village Square antique shop and shoot some pictures of this amazing sign. While shooting the sign I decided to ask the Powhatan Motel owner if it might be OK if I took a look at one of the rooms and maybe shoot some photos for the blog. He was more than happy, which took me by surprise...until I saw the room.
I will be the first to admit - I MUCH prefer to dig through an old "iffy" looking joint like this as apposed to a sterile, scrubbed antique mall. There just seems to be so much more opportunity to find something amazing in a joint like this (Village Square Antiques in Pocahontas Il), right? Not really, this is just an antique an antique building! Still, there is something about the hope!
While at Rocket Century's "Swank-A-Rama" parking lot sale Mr. Modtomic took a little stroll through host's indoor sales area. You might remember seeing a few photos of this from their earlier sale here. This time Rocket Century had a little more time to properly stage their selling area and it looked great. They have some really nice stuff available!
The "Bird Man" - Carl Perkins (no, not THAT Carl Perkins) not only sells at the Gypsy Caravan (what? You missed him there? I did too. I heard he got a lousy spot in the parking garage selling area) he also has a few Birds hanging around at the Green Shag Market. Now you can drop by and peruse his wares at your convenience...and not under that scorching summer sun!
We were on our way home Saturday night, looking for a place to crash for the night at about 11pm when the Girlfriend spotted this joint. Even though we've spend most of our Vacation in independent motels I was still dubious. We asked to see a room and...Oh...Em...Gee. Es...Oh...El...Dee. Take a peek inside to...well, see inside!
No Modtomic roadtrip is complete without lots of hunting / gathering at local junque-tique shops along the way. This super score of Russel Wright Interplay by Iroquois was found in Queensbury NY at a little place called 200 Glen Antiques. As soon as we pulled into the gravel lot with - yup - four of those circular plastic and iron Solair hoop chairs outside, I knew this place would deliver.