Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I'm Finally Culling My Significant Art Glass Vase Collection...Well, I'm At Least Letting Go Of ONE Piece! And I Dropped Off Some Books At The Booth Today Too! Status: Swing Of Things.


Yeah, I'm finally getting into a more regular habit of dropping by my booth at The Green Shag more than once every two weeks or whenever a void appears!  I'm mostly just dropping off some smalls, seeing what kinda vintage everybody else is slinging or looking my space over and trying to come up with some brilliant master plan.  Today, just some smalls.


Seems like if I find one "decorator" book I'm gonna find three...or five, or whatever.  I passed on a

few that were at the thrift because they REALLY didn't fit my booth space ethos, but these...I figured

someone would love to have 'em.  They're certainly cheaper in my booth than new!  So these are

sitting pretty in the Danish style magazine rack that I featured here a few days ago, which (not

coincidentally!) is also available in the booth!


And yes, I'm finally easing back on pure collecting of the art glass "swung" vases.  This got tagged

and dragged to the booth space today as well along with the pair of brass kitties that I picked up at the

Wentzville flea a few weekends ago.  It's a pretty little number but I've got a green one almost exactly

like it.  Grab yourself up a couple of these and set them on a window sill where the morning sun

shines through and they'll brighten your every day!  You might even toss some pretty flowers in

them.  Not me...too lazy.  Plus, where'm I gonna get some pretty flowers?

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