Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Girlfriend Spotted This Last Week At The Local Goodwill And DIDN'T Pick It Up. Said She Wasn't Sure I'd Want It! This Chip Art Piece Is Amazing! What's Not To Want? Status: Soon To Be Available.


OK, at first I thought this was just supposed to be an abstract piece but upon further perusal I can see that it may be something more. I can see that there might be a "P" for Phi, an "A" for Alpha and an Omega symbol in that design. But I cannot find a Phi-Alpha-Omega organization on the web with a quick search. What do you think? It's hard to ignore those symbols once they have been pointed out, huh?


I was kinda hoping that it would work in a landscape arrangement since I've got another

very similar to this that's also soon to be available. But seeing the symbols has kinda ruined

that idea for me. I almost CAN'T see them now! Plus, the wire for hanging it is set up to

hang it portrait style.


The Girlfriend says she just wasn't sure if I'd be down with this. Can you imagine that?!

Even if there is some weird hidden meaning in the symbols (seriously, can somebody help

me out with that?) I still dig the colors and style! I'll put both of these in the same booth

when they are ready to go and just see what happens.


  1. That is a Chi-Rho and an Alpha and Omega - all symbols for Jesus Christ. It is NOT a fraternity/sorority thing, but a great piece of mid-century religious art.

  2. Its meaning, by the way, is Christ, the Beginning and the End.

  3. Agree with the other comment, Chi Rho is the symbol for Christ

  4. Gretchen in GreenwoodJuly 7, 2014 at 1:17 PM

    I saw the Chi Rho immediately, as well. I think this is a really neat piece- not much Christian themed art is in modern style. Very cool!

  5. Huh! I had no idea! I'm always on the lookout for mod crucifixes and they tend to get snatched up pretty quick in the booth so I bet this doesn't last long in there either.

  6. The catholic church I went to as a kid was built in 1959 and had artwork very similar on the front of the altar.
