Sunday, July 20, 2014

I Finally Found A Use For This Neat Mid Century Welded Steel Stand And Was Going To Show It Yesterday, But I Decided To Give It A Shot Of Paint First. Status: All Prettied Up.


A LONG while back I remember setting a bowling ball in this stand and thinking that something that size...but not a bowling ball...would be about perfect for this stand. Well, when I have these little epiphanies I don't run right out and start looking for the mystery object. I let it marinate, and let the object find me. I know, so Zen.


So after...I don't know...three years or so, this round glass fish bowl finally revealed itself

(how mysterious). I saw it at the Goodwill and though "that looks like a bowling ball...wait,

wasn't I looking for something shaped like a bowling ball?" Yes I was. The cool thing about a

fish bowl is that it can be used so many ways. Toss your change in it, make a small

terrarium out of it, grow some ferns out the top...or you know, put some fish in it!


It does seem a little top heavy though. Maybe not a fish bowl if you have cats...or toddlers. 

That just wouldn't be fair the fish. I'd love to see what one of these stands had in it

originally. I'm not even sure that I've got it right side up! Anyway, it's got a fresh coat of

satin black on it and as soon as I can clean up the bowl, tie a tag to it and get it down to the

Creve Coeur Antique Mall it will be available.

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