What I picked up was the splendid new (yes, NIB for $225 w/ Zoom Lens Kit!) Nikon 1 J3 camera that I shot this fantastic Sonneman Orbiter floor lamp with. The camera took us to Edwardsville Il. and then we had to tool all the way down to Festus Mo. to pick up the Sonneman score. Lots of driving.
What can be had via craigslist never ceases to amaze Mr. M. This Sonneman Three Arm Orbiter
floor lamp had already been sitting on the list for 23 full excruciating hours before I spotted it. Don't
know how that happened, I REGULARLY scour the list...every day. The REAL mystery is how it
was still available! I can name almost a dozen other local buyers who would have LOVED to snatch
this up. Then again, Festus isn't a short drive from St. Louis either. Maybe no one else wanted to
make the trip.
The Sonneman orbiter is in fine condition. All the sockets light up and the chrome is in pretty good
shape. The black paint on the base could use a little freshening up though. This one might well be a
keeper! We've got a couple other Sonnemans floating around here at the Modtomic Ranch. The
Girlfriend uses a small black one on her desk for additional lighting and we've got a tall yellow one in
the living room. This one needs to go somewhere where it'll be properly showcased. Just gotta
figure out where that might be.
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