In case you also spotted this pair of Umanoff wine racks on craigslist this afternoon and thought about (or made a play for) them, you might have passed on them anyway. They are quite the mess. Probably haven't been dusted (much less actually cleaned) in years.
And today was the most rainy of all...until it cleared up. But the drive over to Belleville Il. was
somewhat adventurous (not even counting trying to take a picture while driving). Why couldn't we
have last weekend's weather THIS weekend?! Last weekend was awesome. This weekend...soggy.
It did clear up, about an hour before sunset. Just long enough for me to set these up and shoot some
photos. If you're counting, this addition makes 5 Umanoff wine racks in the house. Too many?
Probably. But when craigslist coughs up something this good, I ain't lookin' That gift horse in the
mouth...'specially when craigslist ain't clearing it's throat all that often.
I was considering all new leather straps for these, until I did the math. Or rather, started doing the
math and ran out of fingers. Re-strapping the smaller one would cost between $150 and $200. I
don't even want to invite the head-ache that figuring up how much I'd spend on the larger of this
pair...much less the really BIG one I have. ::sigh:: I might still have to do one since I have some
broken straps to replace anyway. I can use the straps off one of these small ones as replacement
straps for the others, then re-strap the donor. What? It could happen.
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