A couple years ago I picked up a pair of Danish style daybeds like this off the Columbia Mo. craigslist. The eventually found their way to another local (sometime) blogger who has since move way far away off to to Phoenix Az. Man, those daybed sofas really got around!
This one probably ain't going nowhere, at least for a while. It needs cushions. Those aren't easy to
find. Actually, last weekend I did find ONE back cushion at the Goodwill outlet! But it was just one
and the line was REALLY long. So I didn't buy it. Sometimes I find daybeds with the right kind of
cushions but with no back support. I guess these are just supposed to butt up against a wall to keep
the back cushions from falling off. Anyway, I'll start looking for one of those to donate it's cushions
to this beautiful Adrian Pearsall (ish...c'mon, if you squint you can see it) style sofa.
Yeah, this was stuffed away in the basement mostly hidden under a bunch of boxes and bags of stuff.
I was invited to dig through the basement of the house where I picked up the Baughman armchairs
that I featured a few weeks ago. There was a lot to dig through but it all had to go and they were
happy to let me pull anything that I thought was worth my effort since otherwise it would probably
just end up in the dumpster. I ended up with quite a few good extra items but mostly projects like
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