This super mod swag lamp came from the same home as the last four chairs I've featured here. I tol' ya! I cleaned the joint out! Today I got to thinking about the long journey it took for me to get there. Want the condensed version? Yeah, I don't have THAT much time either!
A number of years ago I spotted a cool set of dining room and bedroom furniture on craigslist. I
wanted it bad and asked the Girlfriend to go check it out and lock it down for me if it turned out to be
in good shape. It did AND it turned out to be the Perspecta line from Kent Coffee. I ended up
buying a large lot of the set but the pieces were so big (the china cabinet was all one piece) that the
seller had to deliver them on the back of a flat bed trailer!
It took me a little while to move these pieces on but the china cabinet made it's way all the way up the
street from us, to a couple with which we still keep in touch with! This worked out great because
they had a truck and we didn't have to haul it far. Then, some four years later this couple put me onto
the sellers who let me take this little jewel home.
Oh sure, there was a lot of research and learning of designs, designers, labels and manufacturers
along the way as well as divining techniques for identifying unknown variations there-of and I went
from shilling on craigslist to having a pair of antique mall booths, but this is the short version
remember? Oh, wait...that was pretty much the end. I guess the short version is a little shorted than I
thought. Still, it was probably a little more interesting than anything I could come up with to describe
the swag light. I mean, yeah...it's hot...but other than that...it's uh...a light and well...it swags from the
ceiling, right?
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