I've got a book on all this stuff in my booth (well, I think it's still in there), but maybe I need to pull it out and keep in my "library" since figuring out whether this stuff is vintage or not is kind of a pain. I'm like 90% sure this is Very vintage, like 1930's vintage, but since Fiesta kept messing with the marks and all, it's still hard to pin down.

Pretty sure the color is Cobalt Blue. The lower case letters in the imprinted "fiesta" along with the
HLC (Homer Laughlin Co.), the Made In USA and the color all point to these pieces being very early
pieces. They've got some utensil marks but are chip free. They're actually in great condition for
being...what, 75ish years old? Check out that funky glaze on the bottom of this 9 1/4" serving bowl!

This 11 1/2" serving platter sports a much less pronounced mark on the back and doesn't have the
concentric rings that the bowl above has. Otherwise it too shows a lower case "fiesta", has the HLC
and the USA along with that lovely dark Cobalt glaze. Dangit...I need my book. I guess I'll have to
head down to The Green Shag Market Tomorrow and see if the ID book is still there and pull it out if
so. I might not collect Fiestaware but I should probably be able to better identify it with my own
knowledge given the lack thereof on the web. After I get a better idea what the scoop is on these
pieces I'll drop them in the booth.
Cobalt was made from 1936 to 1951 Based on the logo of the bowl, I think 1940s. The platter is, I think, post 1986