See! Necessity IS the mother of invention! No more room on the floor of your booth? Go up! I'm way behind the curve on this though. So many of the other vendors have already done this...and done it well. Well, I'm playing catch up now.
In the mean time, I've been hawking everybody else's wares lately...it's high time I pimped my own!
After getting the chairs hung from the rafters (with care) I decided to take a few minutes to shoot my
both as it sits today. Since last I shared the space I think the Herman Miller sofa set moved on and
within just a couple of days the Brother Mel crucifix has found a new home as well.
Of course, as soon as something goes I'm right there ready to drop in a replacement! Doing major
re-arrangements when something goes is lots of fun but time consuming and tiring. It's good though,
it keeps a Mr. young! It helps that the staff is eager to give me a hand hauling in heavy and awkward
items or hang a lamp...or three chairs!
The smalls haven't been going like the hot cakes that they are, but I think as Christmas approaches
many of them will find their way into beautifully wrapped boxes under seriously cool folks trees. I
need to go back through my past sales and see what was picked up last year around this time. Not
that you can really go by what Has sold...it's not so scientific as all that.
A few weeks ago Nick told me he was in The Shag on a particularly busy weekend day and while
poking around heard lots of clangs and crashes. All that was going through my head was all of these
smalls scattered across the floor in a million little pieces. Thankfully nothing like that happened...at
least to me. So far so good, knock on wood. I don't think I've had anything broken, stolen or tag
swapped as of yet. These were some of my main fears with starting an antique mall booth and it
appears that I was fretting over nothing!
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