Hit the Flea Market this weekend. It was kind of a bust. I guess vendors saved all the good stuff for the Gypsy Caravan (an annual pay to get in flea market here in St. Louis). I had a HUGE project today so I didn't make it to the Gypsy Caravan. Sad.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thank You Veterans! Thank You For Protecting Our Freedom Of Speech! Here's To The Blog! Status: Long Weekend - Wentzville Flea Market.
Hit the Flea Market this weekend. It was kind of a bust. I guess vendors saved all the good stuff for the Gypsy Caravan (an annual pay to get in flea market here in St. Louis). I had a HUGE project today so I didn't make it to the Gypsy Caravan. Sad.
Dining set,
Flea Mkt.,
Hans Wegner,
Monday, May 30, 2011
The Last Of The Three Big Items From Last Weekend. Like I Said, It Was A Good Estate Sale! Status: Spoken For
Yep, this little beauty is already spoken for. Scheduling difficulties have prevented the passing of the table but I think by the end of next week I will see it no more.
Estate Sale,
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Sometimes You Just Can't Avoid Fate...Like Death And Taxes. The Sculptra Was Coming For Me...One Way Or Another. Status: So I Just Got It Over With Already.
Sometimes life just beats you over the head with something. Do it. Do it. Do it. Doitdoitdoitdoitdoit. Fine. Done. I'm the proud new owner of a Broyhill Sculptra bedroom set! Ta Da!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Yet More Booty From Last Saturday's Estate Sale, But Don't Worry...There's A Light At The End Of The Tunnel...And It's Danish Modern! Status: Swanky Swag.
I'll admit, I bought the rest of the large items from the estate sale last Saturday hoping to move them on. This I bought to keep. I almost didn't get it though.
Dining set,
Estate Sale,
Friday, May 27, 2011
I've Featured A "Before And After" On This Table Before But This Is Just As Dramatic. Status: I Think I Could Hear It Sighing.
You might remember this little refinish project from a while back if you've been reading this here lil' blog for long enough. I thought just being able to rescue it from the ravages it had previously suffered was pretty impressive...but giving it a rub down with the Feed N Wax was the cherry on top of the sunday!
Before and After,
How To,
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The Pattern Is Called Calligraphy. It Strikes Me As Looking Both Organic AND Atomic At The Same Time. Whadoyathink? Status: Available.
Did a little diggin' around and found out this pattern was designed by noted WPA artist Anton Refregier! I believe the Girlfriends father published a book on WPA writers a few years ago. He's been itchin' for me to gift him something interesting from my huntings and gatherings. If I can't find a new home for these quickly, maybe he'd like the set.
Dining set,
Thrift Store,
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Could This Be The Elvis Of Living Room Seating? It Swivels AND Rocks...It Comes From The Same Era...It's A "Club" Chair...Elvis "Played Clubs". Ok...Maybe That Was A Stretch. Status: What? It's Already Gone?
Right, picked up this fantastic swivel rocking lounge chair at the estate sale last Saturday. Poor thing was sittin' all by it's lonesome down in the basement. That's not true...really...the round table featured yesterday was down there keeping it company along with a few other disparate items. That sale was something of a hodge podge yet one of the best I've been to this year!
Estate Sale
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I Did JUST Manage To Pop Into A Pair Of Estate Sales This Weekend. Showed Up Late But Managed To Still Snatch Up Some Goodies, Including This Table! Status: Already Spoken For?
I didn't get up early as I'd have liked (not really Liked liked...but you know what I mean) to hit estate sales. Dragged my butt up at the crack of 10. Luckily the first estate sale was only a couple miles down the highway.
Before and After,
Estate Sale,
Monday, May 23, 2011
Was Out In The Garage Lookin' For The Girlfriends Graduation Gown (Teacher) When I Bumped Into These Guys! Status: Lighting Up My Life.
Actually, they ain't lighting up my life at all. I love them to death...but what to do with them? I can't really thing of a good place for them. I'm thinking about the laundry room but I hate the idea of hiding them away in there.
Before and After,
Estate Sale,
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Since I Was In St. Charles Anyway... You Know, It's Crazy The Good Stuff That The Salvation Army Gets Over There! Status: Yet TWO MORE Fantastic Sofas.
This was the first one to catch my eye. If you can stand the Hollywood Regency upholstery it's a steal. If you can afford to have it re-upholstered it's a bargain. If you can re-upholster it yourself it's a deal!
Thrift Store
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Anybody Else A FAN Of.....Of Uhhh....Of Moving Air? Ugh...Hey, You Try Coming Up With A Witty Opener Every Day! Status: In Use.
Just like the mixers yesterday, these babies are built to last. The window fan is as heavy as a tank. The hassock fan might not be as sturdy but it's still an amazing little fan that we use in the bedroom.
Estate Sale,
Friday, May 20, 2011
They Beat A Swizzle Stick Anyday I'm Sure. Can I Make Ya A Chocolate Soda? Status: Only Two? I Need Another.
Right, I totally need MORE stuff. But, as we all learned early in life, Three is a magic number! Without a third...well it's just not a family, is it?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Another Weekend Project In The Works. A Little Pair Of Outdoor Wire "Hoop" Chairs. Status: Good Bones
Ain't it nice to see the Flamingos NOT covered in 6 inches of snow?! We keep a number of outdoor seating choices available on the front porch for when our South City Hoosier friends (used in a ironic "cuz I'm sorta one of 'em" way) come ta visit.
Antique mall,
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Oh Jeez...This Is Getting Ridiculous. I Gotta Start Getting Outta Bed Earlier. Status: Did I Just Throw Up A Little?
Pretty ain't it? And right down the street. And since it's at the Salvation Army it's gonna be cheap too. So what gives with the Status? Oh, read on my friend...but be warned, it's gonna hurt a little.
Dining set,
Thrift Store
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I Got A Garage FULL Of Projects. It's Getting A Little Embarrassing...Buuuuuttttt, It Keeps Me Busy. Status: Little Peek At One Of 'Em.
The good news is that my "projects" come cheap. This one was free...except for all the work to get it home. Frank (the Focus Wagon) is a real trouper and can ingest some pretty sizable cargo but he already was packing a score when I had to get this home too.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Got An Amazing Wall Clock Saddled With An Unfortunate Dangling Cord? Hate Those Dang Dangling Cords? Me Too. Status: Let's Get Rid Of 'Em!
Stupid cords. Don'tcha just hate 'em? I mean, I guess I could drill a hole in the wall and do some household wiring...no...no, no, no...that's not gonna happen. What's a man to do? Make another trip to the Thrift Store for the remedy!
Before and After,
How To,
Thrift Store
Sunday, May 15, 2011
The Girlfriend's Grandmother Lives In Chicago...Right On Lakeshore Drive! She's Got Good Taste In Furnishings Too. Status: Envious.
Right...see that view out the window? Lakeshore Drive and to the right, Lake Michigan. ::sigh:: Then she's only a hop, skip and a jump from Wrigley Field as well. Nice huh?
Dining set,
Hans Wegner,
Steel Cabinets,
Saturday, May 14, 2011
OK, Seems Like Everything Is Back To Normal With Blogger. Who Else Needs A Drink? How's About A Refreshing Polynesian Cocktail? Status: I's Got The Glasswares!
Whata tease. My idea of a refreshing cocktail is a Rum and Coke...unless someone else is pouring. Then I'm up for about anything cold, fruity and heavily alcoholic! You gotta wonder, since the Polynesian Village is at Walt Disney World...what kinda drinks were THEY serving?
Friday, May 13, 2011
Blooger (edit: Blooger? Blogger) F'ed Up...Just Came Back On Line, But Check Out These Pinecone Glasses! Status: Don't Know Where Yesterday's Post Is...Maybe It'll Come Back Up.
Gotta make this quick. Need to be at work soon. Woulda' posted this last night if Blogger had their sh*t together. So...check it out! Pine Cone glassware!
Thrift Store
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Here's To The ORIGINAL Ice Makers! We Don't Need No Stinking AUTOMATIC Ice Maker. Status: Older Than God's Grandparents And Used Daily.
For real, they can be kind of a pain in the butt to use but there is a tangible sense of satisfaction in cracking those cubes free. Mmmmmm. Something that can never be had in hearing the slight hum and muffled rumble of a modern automatic ice maker. And those pathetic plastic ice trays? Phhhhffff...whatever. If they last longer than the latest Iphone you're lucky.
Antique mall,
Estate Sale,
Thrift Store,
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Ever Seen A Digital Alarm Clock That Displayed The Seconds? This Heathkit's Got It! Status: Available Now.
I found this little gem at a local Goodwill last weekend. I didn't even know what it was for real, but I recognized the name Heathkit. They produced a lot of electronic "kits" for the home builder / hobbyist in the '60s including some hi fidelity home audio components. I've seen some of the factory built hi fi units here and there at antique malls.
Thrift Store
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Oh Sweet! Another Great Shop Here In St. Louis. 11th Street Antique And Modern In Soulard. Amazing Stuff And Modest Prices. Status: Friday, Saturday and Sunday Only.
Lucky Dog. Not only gets to hang out in an ever changing Mid Century Modern (& Antique) environment but...well look. Lucky dog.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Mother Modtomic's Antique Mall Booth @ The St. Charles Antique Mall. Status: Look At All That Prettiness!
This is a pretty good representation of the Mom's style. She does some re-upholstery work and lots of slip covers. She takes on all sorts of painting projects and makes me feel like I'm so so lazy. I don't know how she does it.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Little Preview Of The Pending Mr. Chair Re-Upholstery Project. Status: Phase One Complete.
While I was out messing around after the estate sale bust Friday morning (huh, two busts in a row...suck) I decided to stop by Garden Ridge to go through their fabric remnants. I was actually looking for some black or cream colored vinyl for the Mr. Chair, but then while perusing the vinyl I realized that I'd have to buy it off a roll or bolt or whatever because the remnants are all folded into squares and I'd never be able to get the corner creases out. So I found some cool looking upholstery material instead!
Before and After,
Saturday, May 7, 2011
(Snap! The "Eames" Knock Off Sold For $255!) Took The Day Off And Hit An Estate Sale, Couple Thrift Stores And An Antique Mall. Status: Got My Shoppin' On...But Didn't Buy Much.
Just missed getting this Eames Style lounge chair and ottoman. Expect to see it here on eBay soon. I kinda figured I'd miss out. I didn't get up early and wait outside for hours. It sold for...wait for it.....$10.
Antique mall,
Estate Sale,
Russel Wright,
Thrift Store,
Friday, May 6, 2011
What's Fuzzy, Pretty and Just Wants To Be Looked At? No, No, No...Not My Poke Chop Sideburns! Status: Smooth
Say, remember when guy's would park their (totally custom) van on a corner gas station lot and sell velvet paintings back in the '70s? Whatever happened to that? Oh, right...the '80s. Stupid '80s.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
The Fireplace Toolset Logical Progression. From "Whatever Works" to "Wow"! Status: Fireplace Fabulousness!
In chronological order from right to left. The ubiquitous brass set was purchased for a couple of bucks just so we could have a fire. I'm not sure where the "poker" is at the moment. Then it was usurped by the cooler looking middle set. It has a chip in one of the wood handles though. Anybody want it? $20. Now we are using the Really Tall danish set and it's Juuusssst Right!
Before and After,
Thrift Store
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Eeez Jamaica Bay Mon! Jus A Leetle Somting Ta Tempt Ya To Da Deena Table. Status: Anybody Else Thirsty For A Red Stripe?.
When I unearthed the box of Blue Heaven last week I found a bonus treasure inside. A big addition to my collection of Colorcraft Jamaica Bay dishware by Taylor, Smith & Taylor! This is a beautiful cousin to the Cathay line (which is mostly green) and the Moderne line (which substitutes the greens for browns). Note the other major difference being the colored ring that is conspicuously missing from the Jamaica Bay line.
Dining set,
Flea Mkt.,
Thrift Store,
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Like I Said, Saturday's Estate Sale Was A Bit Of A Bust Considering I Only Wanted The Bedroom Set. But From Another Perspective...It Was OK! Status: Little Goodies.
Seems like I've seen one of these lately. There's a piece of felt attached to the bottom so I can't see if it even has a marking. Anybody? Beuller?....Beuller? Anybody?
Estate Sale,
Monday, May 2, 2011
After The Somewhat Disappointing Estate Sale Yesterday I Found This BeeYooTeeFul Grundig Delmonico Stereo / Drybar. Status: Drybar? Youbetcha! (Oh...and it's Available! Er, was available...gone now.)
This helped make Saturday's Estate Sale bust go down a little easier. I was on my way home after the sale (didn't get a call today...guess my bid box offer wasn't good enough ::shrugg::) when I decided I should make a stop at the local Salv. Army thrift store. I had actually just passed up the turn when I decided I should make the side trip. I'm glad I turned around.
Before and After,
How To,
Thrift Store,
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Estate Sale This Morning...Showed Up WAY Early...Third In Line...Drexel Projection Bedroom Suite. Status: So Tired...Three Hours Sleep.
Oh Snap. Mr. Modtomic got up at 6:40am after going to bed at 3am? For this? $695? No Thanks. Dag. Thank God there were a few smalls to be had as well as an interesting joint to photo.
Estate Sale
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