I guess I've nobody to blame but myself. I have to say, I haven't been out to ANY of the vintage modern shop around town lately...and so why would any of these merchants bother to let me in on news as big as the moving of their store front...much less the opening of their Second Storefront!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
What St. Louis Lacks In Vintage Modern Shop Grapevine Info It Surely Makes Up For In Seriously Fine Stock And Choice. So MoModerne Moves It's Headquarters Out To The County...And No One Bothers To Tell A Mr.! Status: New Address - Same Great Taste.
I guess I've nobody to blame but myself. I have to say, I haven't been out to ANY of the vintage modern shop around town lately...and so why would any of these merchants bother to let me in on news as big as the moving of their store front...much less the opening of their Second Storefront!
Arthur Umanoff,
Dining set,
George Nelson,
Herman Miller,
Known Designer,
Paul McCobb,
Close to home
Hello all. It's Nick from Mid-Century Midwest again.
On occasion, you may have heard me remark that I've sworn off the local thrifts and estate sales after a series of burns, quickly rising prices, a perceptible drop in availability of MCM, and the increasing intensity of the competition. However, when I saw an estate sale in-progress literally a few paces from my front doorstep, I couldn't resist. Nickarmadillo was back on the hunt!
Betty Crocker,
estate sales,
Mid-Century Midwest,
Feminine Aspects of Modern Design
Hello again, I'm Hannah from the blog Secondhand. Last week I did a post on Feminine aspects of modern design, and I'm going to continue in that direction.
candle holder,
Danish Modern,
silver plated
Friday, August 30, 2013
Whew! After All That Hard Work Yesterday Getting That Miller / Nelson Sofa Set Cleaned Up, Photographed And Installed In The Booth At The Green Shag...It's Time For A Siesta! A Siesta CHAIR That Is! Status: No Really, It's Time For A Siesta.
You may remember that I mentioned I picked up TWO items from craigslist while in Chicago last weekend. One was the Caprani floor lamp that I featured just a few short days ago, the other was this Westnofa Siesta chair...from the same seller! Yup, a Two-Fer!
Known Designer,
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Was It Stupid Hot Out, Did I Have To Haul These Out Of A Basement, Was It Way Too Early In The Morning And Did I Have To Shell Out A Pile Of Dough? Yes, Yes, Yeah And Yup. What A Mr. Will Do For Some Herman Miller / George Nelson. Status: Happy As A Clam!
And then I had to clean these and set them all up today out under that oppressive solar beatdown we call the afternoon sun. Ugh, more heat and sweat. And then, guess what...I had to break them back down and and load TWO of these back into Frank (the Focus Wagon) and tool them down to The Green Shag Market...
Antique mall,
George Nelson,
Green Shag Market,
Herman Miller,
Known Designer,
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
The Only Thing Mr. Modtomic Brought Home From The Randolph Street Market Was A Camera For A Friend...Although The Girlfriend Cleaned Up On Salt And Pepper Shakers / Vintage Costume Jewelry. All I Got Was A Bunch Of Photos! Status: A BUNCH Of Photos!
This Mamiya medium (edit - thanks Bopfish!) format camera has been on a friends wish list for a Long Time. I've been looking for one for her for a Long Time. Finally, I found one at the Randolph Street Market during our recent visit. I'm just hoping that the thorough once over we gave it means it'll be a working unit...otherwise it's just a cool display piece! Look inside for about 50 more pics from the RSM flea!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
About A Year Ago I Made A Run To Chicago To Deliver A Pair Of Brasilia End Tables. I Stopped About Halfway Up At An Antique Mall And Found A Caprani Floor Lamp There But Couldn't Bring It Home. Status Chicago C-list Find.
Patience pays off again! You may remember a huge score I made last year in finding that Hanging Totem by Malcom Lealand / Architectural Pottery for a song at the Bronze Giraffe antique mall in Normal Il. In that same booth were a number of other really cool items including a Caprani bentwood floor lamp. I didn't have the funds to scoop it AND the Hanging Totem up so I had to leave the lamp behind.
Before and After,
Known Designer,
Monday, August 26, 2013
By The Time I'm Done Posting Photos Of The Randolph Street Market Designer Flea You Are Gonna Feel Like YOU Drove Five Hours There And Five Hours Back! Status: Done Yet? Not Even Close!
First of all, sorry if you're getting sick of the Randolph Street Market flea. I just took SO many photos and they all seem to show a different facet of the flea's character and blah blah blah...really I just love that I was able to take so many good photos courtesy of the amazing wares and well curated vendors and I want to show you them All!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
More Pics From The Randolph Street Market In Chicago. And Believe Me...This Isn't Even The HALF Of It! Oddly Enough Though, The Flea Isn't What I'd Call Huge...Or Even That Big. Status: Well Curated!
THIS is what happens when a flea can pick and choose who sets up. Instead of wildly random vendors, you can see a focus develop. It's not so narrow as to end up with just 25 buyers walking around either. My guess, it takes a delicate touch and a spine of steel. Don't know if I'd want that job!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Mr. Modtomic Is Blogcasting From The 2nd City This Evening After A Lovely Day At The Randolph Street Market Flea. I'm Doing So From The Cell Phone So I'm Gonna Keep This Brief, But Trust...It Was Worth The Five Hour Drive At 5 AM! Status: Explored!
After watching an episode of Market Warriors on PBS that featured the Randolph Street Market in Chicago I got in my head that I just HAD to get up there and see this flea for myself. Good thing this is a monthly flea market. It didn't take long for the next one to roll around...and consequently here we are!
Friday, August 23, 2013
Wow! I Stopped By The Green Shag Market Today To Drop Off This Spun Aluminum "Spider" Lamp And Found That Lots Of Stuff Was Gone! Mr. Modtomic Needs To Restock. Status: Started.
So you say you're looking for a mid century modern style floor lamp but aren't really enamoured of the idea of buying vintage? I might just have you covered! I just this afternoon dropped off this beautiful contemporary spun finish aluminum multi element adjustable floor lamp. Really, I just got this for some extra lighting in the booth, but it's got a tag on it!
Green Shag Market,
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Ain't This Vintage Thonet Bentwood Stool Just The Kind Of Thing You Hope To Find At The Flea Market? Well Count Mr. Modtomic Lucky 'Cuz That's Exactly What Happened! Status: Needs Scrubbing.
I hit the Belleville flea super early Saturday morning and found that getting there THAT early was kinda pointless. It did give me the opportunity to make two runs through everything though. I spotted this Thonet stool on that first run but having a limited budget meant that it was put on the maybe list.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
If Your Gonna Have A (Vintage Modern) Bar Set Up In Your Living Room It Might Be A Good Idea To Class The Joint Up With a Couple Bottles If Wine. And How's Anybody Gonna See Those Classy Bottles Of Lambrusco If You Don't Got A Spiffy Wine Rack For To Display 'Em? Status: Painful Purchase.
What? That's right! I said it! Lambrusco. There, I said it again! Nothin' wrong with a little Riunite on ice...and a ham samwich. It's like Cool-aid for us Big Kids! But anyway, I got an early start towards work yesterday so I decided to stop by Treasure Aisle antique mall and kill a half hour.
Antique mall,
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Well Here We Are Again. The Earth Has Made It's Way 'Round That Fireball Once Again And Mr. Modtomic Turns THREE!!! I Promised Changes A Few Weeks Ago And Today Begins The First Round. Let It BEGIN!!! Status: It's Begun.
Yes...I KNOW! It's hard to believe that I've been able to churn out post after post for three years, but really...where has the time gone?! It really doesn't seem like it's been that long. But alas, you have to admit...it has gotten a little monotonous: "Hey, look at this chair I found...Hey, look at this table I found...Hey, look at these dishes I found...". So without further ado I present the first two new blogcasters to join me here on Mr. Modtomic! Meet Hannah and Nick.
Flea Mkt.,
The Feminine Side to Modern Design
I want to start this first blog post from myself with a congratulations to Mr. Modtomic for Having 3 great years of back to back blog posts! I will never understand where he gets the energy and time to post everyday, but his blog has been a daily read for myself since the beginning.
My Name is Hannah, and I have a blog called Secondhand. I don't keep up with my blog the way Mr. Modtomic does, but I enjoy having a place to document some of my thrifty finds and projects along the way.
A New Addition
Hey everyone. This is Nick, fellow St. Louisan, Mid-Century Modern enthusiast, blogger, and friend of Mr. Modtomic. You may know me better as Nickarmadillo from Mid-Century Midwest.
Mr. Mod approached me several weeks ago about occasionally submitting content to his blog and, now that we've made our arrangements, I thought that I would introduce myself. So here's a quick intro in Q&A format.
Mr. Mod approached me several weeks ago about occasionally submitting content to his blog and, now that we've made our arrangements, I thought that I would introduce myself. So here's a quick intro in Q&A format.
Mid-Century Midwest,
Mid-Century Modern,
Monday, August 19, 2013
So Yeah, Dana (From Mid2Mod) Hit The Nail On The Head! This Poul Kjærholms PK 24 Lounge / Chaise WAS, In Fact, One Of The Three Chairs I Journeyed To Kansas City For This Past Sunday. C'mon, It's Beautiful And Unusual...How Could I Resist?! Status: At The Shop Already!
Oddly enough, this was NOT the impetus for the trip to KC. Another chair had caught my eye and this one...this was Lagniappes! Well...not strictly speaking, it wasn't like FREE or anything but it was a nice bonus chair to find on such a long roadtrip.
Fleur De Lis Home Source,
Known Designer,
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Well, Here I Am On The Road. It'll Be After Midnight When I Get Home So I Thought I'd Pull Off And Give You A Quick Tease Of What I Snatched! Status: Half Way Home!
I don't really scour the KC craigslist very often anymore. That drive is pretty long so you know I must have found something pretty good to waste my whole day driving! Your assumption would be correct, but alas I didn't have time to take proper pics so this'll have to suffice.
Before and After,
Known Designer,
Mystery / ID,
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Belleville Flea...It's Been Too Long! I've Missed You Ol' Buddy And It's Nice To Finally Hook Up Again. Feels Weird Going To A Flea On A Saturday Since I've Been Spending So Many Sundays At The Wentzville Flea. Status: Early To Rise Morning Trek.
Gosh, it HAS been a long time since I've sifted through the Belleville Il Flea Market. I really can't recall when the last time I made it there was. Well, since the Girlfriend goaded me into getting a new phone I now have a calendar function again and I will miss Thee no more!
Friday, August 16, 2013
Who Ain't Down With Some Vintage Boomboxery? Picked Up This Fetching Fella Just This Morning At A Very Local Estate Sale. Love Those Friday Morning Sales...Less Crowds! Status: Collected.
Yeah, I know...this isn't vintage modern. Thing is, I also collect vintage '80s boomboxes! This one is by Lasonic which, if memory serves, was the same as the boomboxn in the seminal '80s breakdance movie Breakin'...or was it in Beat Street? I'm so old.
Estate Sale,
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Really, It Was Just A Matter Of Time. With My Love Of Vintage Illuminated Globes And The Desire For All Things Adrian Pearsall How Could I NOT End Up With One Of These? Status: Collected.
It has been a good week to be the Mr. The Wegner chairs were found and have already been placed, got my check from the Green Shag and today (last night actually) I found this Adrian Pearsall / Craft Associates 16" Illuminated Library Globe...for Cheap! You should see the big ol' grin on my face!
Known Designer,
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
I'm Finally Culling My Significant Art Glass Vase Collection...Well, I'm At Least Letting Go Of ONE Piece! And I Dropped Off Some Books At The Booth Today Too! Status: Swing Of Things.
Yeah, I'm finally getting into a more regular habit of dropping by my booth at The Green Shag more than once every two weeks or whenever a void appears! I'm mostly just dropping off some smalls, seeing what kinda vintage everybody else is slinging or looking my space over and trying to come up with some brilliant master plan. Today, just some smalls.
Antique mall,
Green Shag Market,
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
I Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself Mr. Soichiro Honda (R.I.P 1991) And I Thank The Honda Motor Company For It's Tremendous Efforts To Help Save The American Icon Of Drive In Movie Theaters. Status: Heartwarming.
I stumbled upon this video a couple hours ago and thought that I should share it with my lovely readership. I already knew that the switch to the Digital Projection Format would be an issue for smaller theaters but I'm pretty sure that All the small theaters in the St. Louis area have been able to make the expensive switch. Apparently there are other Drive In Theaters in need. Let's do what WE can to save the Drive In experience for the coming generations!
Monday, August 12, 2013
What Is It With Wentzville And Hans Wegner?!? OK, Maybe It's Not A "Thing", But Finding Ol' H-Dub There Twice (And Not Knockoffs Either!) Seems Like More Than A Coincidence. Status: My Turn (Already Gone!)
If you've been reading the blog for any time at all you probably know the story about the Hans Wegner "The" chairs that I hesitated on and consequently missed out on buying at the Wentzville flea a few years ago. 'Twas in the top Three if not THE greatest pick fail of my life. Well, that Karma has come back around and in such an obvious way...I'm a little insulted!
Hans Wegner,
Known Designer,
Sunday, August 11, 2013
This Post Is Not About The Crazy Red Hoop Chair That Probably Caught Your Attention Right Away, But About The Pair Of Hairpin Tray Tables To Each Side Of It. Status: Flea Find For The Booth.
I featured the Hoop chairs way long ago here on Mr. Modtomic. I had three of them but dropped one off at The Shag a while back and it got snatched up quick. One of these day's I'll get around to cleaning the other pair up and plop them in the booth too, for now...it's the pair of hairpin stacking snack tables that are headed down.
Antique mall,
Flea Mkt.,
Green Shag Market,
Saturday, August 10, 2013
An Anonymous Reader Asked A While Back If I Might See What I Could Find In Pittsburgh PA. Sadly I Forgot About The Request Until Yesterday! Sorry, But Here Ya Go Anonymous, Hope You're Able To Snag Some Good Stuff! Status: Not My Turf!
I used to hang out with a buddy years ago who told me a story about getting drunk in downtown Pittsburgh PA and wandering around all night until dawn trying to find his lost car. Good thing he got so drunk! Wouldn't have wanted him finding that car. I myself have never been, so this story is all I know about Pittsburgh: It's hard to find your car when ya been drinkin'. But we ain't lookin' for our cars...we're looking for vintage modern goodness.
Dining set,
Eero Saarinen,
Hollywood Regency,
Known Designer,
Not My Turf,
Friday, August 9, 2013
Can't Hardly Believe I Managed To Score These Three Erik Buck Teak Dining Chairs This Afternoon. They'd Been Listed For Days With That Oh So Popular "Danish" Keyword In The Ad. I'm Not Complainin'! Status: Hat Trick?
Again with the cell phone camera! Well shucks, it takes pretty good photos...and I can upload them directly...and I guess I might be a little lazy. ::shrugg:: For real, I just didn't have time to do today's post any other way!
Erik Buck,
Known Designer,
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Some More Stuff That Came Home With Mr. Modtomic From The Wentzville Flea. Does Mr. Modtomic Need Any Of These Lovely Items? No...But Could He Leave Any Of It Behind? Again No! Status: Two Keepers, One For Adoption.
Some weekends we come home from the fleas nearly empty handed...while other days the fleas are quite generous! This past weekend fell squarely into the generous category! Of course, scoring the Russel Wright relish rosette helped tons! Faith renewed!
Flea Mkt.,
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Today I Had To Make My Monthly Ritual Sacrifice To The Might Green Shag. Yeah, Rent Was Due. While I Was There I Decided To See How The New Phone's Camera Would Fare Indoors. Status: Not Too Shabby!
Like some sort of Super Magnet these two pieces of Franciscan Starburst drew me RIGHT to them. It's not like I need a Starburst teapot and platter...it's just that...I really do NEED that Starburst teapot and platter!
Antique mall,
Green Shag Market,
Russel Wright,
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Everybody Talks About How Big A Deal It Is To Purchase A House...Heck, I Found One At The Flea Market! And I Didn't Even Have To Take Out One Of Them Fancy Loans Either. Neither Will You, I Suspect. Status: Little Pink Houses - For You And Me.
"Made In The U.S.A." Not many toys can boast that anymore. "Tin" litho' toys are great nostalgia finds at the flea markets and even though this one isn't as old as some of the truly valuable pieces, I'll take what I can get!
Antique mall,
Flea Mkt.,
Green Shag Market,
Monday, August 5, 2013
Rarely Do I Find An Item Wherein I Already Know The Designer...And I Already Know The Manufacturer...But Still Have No Idea What I Have! I've Got Three Unidentified Pieces Of Russel Wright For Ya To Scratch Your Head Over...Check 'Em Out. Status: Score/Mystery.
Nick, the Girlfriends and I enjoyed a wonderful early Sunday morning last weekend at the Wentzville flea. None of us managed to snatch up anything like a Super Score but this little lot of Russel Wright Steubenville came kinda close. Well, close enough for me anyway!
Flea Mkt.,
Mystery / ID,
Russel Wright
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Yesterday I Had To Work All Day So Today We Spent The Whole Day Today Scavenging At The Flea Market (With Nick And Girlfriend) And Out At A Couple Of Antique Malls In Columbia Mo. Status: Wild Goose Chase.
None of the above came from the flea market this morning. This lot is the consolation prize for driving out to Columbia Mo. in search of a Drexel Declaration china cabinet at Artichoke Annie's antique mall. A friend had seen it there a few weeks ago and mentioned that I might want to check it out so today I called ahead to make sure it was still available and after receiving confirmation we set off westward.
Antique mall,
China Cabinet,
Jens Quistgaard,
Known Designer,
Saturday, August 3, 2013
This LONG Video Of Jonathan Butler And The Brooklyn Flea / Brownstoner Is Just Packed With Lots Of Good Information. Unfortunately The "Production Values" Leave The Veiwer Wanting. Still, If You've Got An Hour To Kill, Check It Out! Status: Brilliance Meets Opportunity.

I think that the Brooklyn Flea might be the most photogenic flea market ever! I was actually looking for another interview video with Mr. Butler but couldn't find it. This one is kinda shaky but it's still chock full of information and inspiration. After watching this I've decided to work on implementing some changes here on Mr. Modtomic, so watch out...change is in the air!
Flea Mkt.,
Friday, August 2, 2013
Earlier This Week I Featured Not One But TWO Cow Hide Rugs On The Boise ID Edition Of Not My Turf. Today I'm Showing That Mr. M Puts His Money Where His Blogging Mouth Is! Status: Doubled Down On The Hide.
This cow hide rug was the only craigslist purchase I made during our entire vacation. I didn't do much hunting but I did pass on checking out a set of six dining chairs in Key Largo that seriously smacked of Gio Ponti. This I snagged on the fly while passing near Tampa FL.
Looking Back,
Thursday, August 1, 2013
It Leans Into Antique-y Pretty Hard...But Wait...Don't I Have A Booth At An ANTIQUE Mall?! Why Yes I Do. Plus The Plant Water-er Thing Is Hobnail...And Hobnail Is Tough. And Scary, Right? Status: Slim Pickin's
I haven't had much time to hit the thrifts or c-list this last week. Oh, there's been lots of good stuff on c-list but I just haven't had the opportunity to snatch it up. Plus it's nice to have a little room in the house after thinning some out some of the stock lately.
Antique mall,
Green Shag Market,
Thrift Store,
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