So the "Falls" are the Falls...are the Falls. Quite Impressive, especially since we arrived just at sunset! We spent about an hour at the Niagara Falls park as soon as we arrived...and then went back to the highway where we got off to find a place for the night. We had spotted a great neon sign from the offramp and wanted to check it out.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
More Gratuitous Photo Sharing From Our Summer Roadtrip. Neon Signs And Big Ol' Waterfalls. Must Be In Niagara Falls NY! Status: Not What I Pictured.
So the "Falls" are the Falls...are the Falls. Quite Impressive, especially since we arrived just at sunset! We spent about an hour at the Niagara Falls park as soon as we arrived...and then went back to the highway where we got off to find a place for the night. We had spotted a great neon sign from the offramp and wanted to check it out.
Friday, June 29, 2012
When In The New York Adirondacks Mr. Modtomic Stays At The King Hendrick Motel. Well, It's Where We Stayed For Our Week Long Visit Anyway. Status: Modtomic Approved!
We drove all up and down the "strip" through Lake George and up north of town along route 9 but eventually decided to try the King Hendrick Motel out. We got a little unattached cabin type room for the full week for $400. I thought that was a deal. Again, let me qualify this by saying that it is not a Pristine Holiday Inn Select or the like. It is perfectly adequate for the somewhat adventurous traveler on a less than "price no object" budget.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
On Our Way East Toward New York State We Made A Pit Stop In Columbus Oh. You Know I Can't Stop And Not Shop! Revue - Columbus OH. Status: Oh Yeah...They Got GOOD Stuff!
Nice pair, dontcha think?! We were barely into the first aisle in Revue - a Columbus OH antique mall and consignment shop - when we ran into this pair of Knoll Barcelona chairs. Oh how I loves me some Barcelona chairs! That got the camera out and it was well worth my time to do so. There was plenty there to photograph. If you live in or near Columbus OH you have a little of my envy! From the little we traveled through, we found it quite nice!
Antique mall,
Arthur Umanoff,
Curtis Jere,
Dining set,
Eero Saarinen,
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
More Great Vintage Signage Around The Lake George NY Area. The Vintage Neon Is Hanging On 'Round Here! Status: Support Your Local Neon!
Happily, the Lake George NY area hasn't yet been re-developed so much that all the little "Mom & Pop" hotels and motels have been bought up for the real estate and turned into Holiday Inn's! Sadly the balance may be shifted slightly the other direction and many of the small joints probably can't maintain the expensive neon signage. What's left is beautiful and highly appreciated by some of us!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Yesterday We Finally Got A Chance To Tour The Great Adirondack Camp: Sagamore. It Was Amazingly Beautiful And A Fun Tour. Status: Bring The Deet. You're Gonna Need It!
Touring at least one of the few remaining Great Camps of The Adirondacks was the principal impetus for pointing our Roadtrip Vacation North East this year. Oh sure, we've been doing all the fun stuff and plowing through the tourist traps with aplomb but one must include some culture to cut the sweet sugary silliness of all the other stuff we're doing!
Monday, June 25, 2012
More Fun Stuff From Treasure Aisle Antique Mall. This Place (Almost) Always Delivers! Status: Nice Selection.
I can't remember the price on this set of Butterfly Chairs but it wasn't quite the crazy bargain that I scored a couple months back at the South County Antique Mall, but just FINDING these in usable shape is tough so it was cool see a pair of them here on Big Bend.
Antique mall,
Russel Wright,
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Also Snatched Up Just Before Departure: This Rad Bentwood Rocking Chair! It's Not Super Old But It's Got Such Nice Lines That I Had To Have It. Status: Elegant, Subtle And Sold! (via Green Shag Market).
I gave this rocker a once over before photographing it but couldn't find a manufacturer or a stamp. I was thinking it might be "Slavic-Modern" but I can't be sure. I couldn't find another on the net with a quick search either. It's got Allen Wrench screws and Velcro so it's not any older than the '80s but it's certainly got Style! And really, that's pretty important 'round here!
Antique mall,
Green Shag Market,
Mystery / ID,
Saturday, June 23, 2012
A Beautiful Blue Sky And The Wind In Our Face! Happy Summer To Ya. We Are In Lake George, New York And Having A Blast! Status: Few Hours Late...I'm On VACATION!
So what's a Modtomic vacation like? Full crazy adventure and excitement! Like today...what did we do but get dragged precariously behind a speed boat on beautiful Lake George 300 ft. in the air! And of course, we're gonna find some interesting places along the way. This time...a cute cottage court where the staying is VERY reasonable!
Utterly Unrelated,
Friday, June 22, 2012
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions... JUST Before Leaving For Vacation I Scored This Plycraft (Labeled As Such) Eames Style Lounge And Ottoman. To Keep Or Not To Keep. Status: That Is The Question.
I've finally popped on an Eames Style Plycraft of my very own. We were supposed to already be gone and on the road Sunday when this was made available on craigslist. Good thing that neither the Girlfriend nor I had been very ambitious about getting out of town in a timely manner!
Herman Miller
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Before I Left The StL For Lake George NY (Our Annual Roadtrip Vacation) I Dropped A Few More Items Off At Booth 44 - Green Shag Market. Status: Stuffed!
I finally got that Shaggy Latch Hook wall art up and I found some great kitschy Paint By Numbers Jesus and Mary with Baby Jesus art to fill up those big white pegboard empty spots. Oh, right...the chairs. Just picked those up too! Pulled the chrome and (dirty) light blue Baughman style chairs and replaced them. I'm telling ya...I'm gonna keep it fresh up in here!
Antique mall,
Apartment Therapy,
Dining set,
Green Shag Market,
Herman Miller,
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Did YOU Happen To Make It To The Rocket Century / Swank - A - Rama Lot Sale On The South Side Last Saturday? I Did! Status: Too Good To Pass Up!
We were supposed to be long gone Saturday morning...on the road to Lake George (upstate) New York. I've been longing to see the Grand Camps in the Adirondacks since seeing a special about them on PBS. Plus I'm hoping Lake George will be every bit the time capsule of family vacation fun that I've built it up in my mind to be!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Booth 125 - Treasure Aisle. A Brief Tour For Those Who Love The Smalls! Status: Always With The Good Stuff!
Ah, the ubiquitous Primary Color Mixing Bowls! Around here these are almost always, without fail, priced at $65 - $75. Is this true of your area too? It's like the gas stations and how they somehow all come up with about the same price for gas. Weird, that. But otherwise, this booth space ALWAYS has great retro kitchen smalls!
Antique mall,
Green Shag Market,
Russel Wright,
Monday, June 18, 2012
This Was Sold To Me As A Scoop Chair...And That's What I Still Believe It To Be, But Somebody At The Green Shag Lot Sale Mentioned "Really Big Salad Bowl". Status: Not THAT Hungry!
No...I'm pretty certain that it's a chair. It was purchased without any cushions and completely "untested" (I didn't bother to sit in it). After I did try it out it became clear that the chair would certainly need some sort of cushioning. Chrome and "Lucite". Pretty cool, huh!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happy Sunday To Ya's....Anybody Looking For A Nice Franklin Shockey Bedroom Set? Status: Knotty Pine + Vintage Modern!
This nice (enough!) bedroom set just popped up on craigslist. I'd go get it myself but just don't have the room! I really like the style though. Almost enough too sell my Brasilia 5 drawer Dresser and replace it with this.
More Thrifty Finds That'll Perhaps Help Me Finish A Chair...Or Three! Status: Modification Needed.
You just got to love that the thrift stores often get New Old Stock from places like Target. I don't often buy this swag as it generally doesn't interest me, but this...this was something I might have actually GONE to a Target, Garden Ridge or a Old Time Pottery to find new!
Before and After,
Estate Sale,
Thrift Store
Saturday, June 16, 2012
A Couple Of Stops At The Local Florissant Thrift Stores Thursday Yielded Much. Status: Surprised Myself!
I wanted to just poke my head into the three local thrifts before heading to my antique mall space to drop of some items and get to work on putting up some shelves. I ended up finding good stuff at all three! I also ended up spending way too much time doing so.
Antique mall,
Green Shag Market,
Thrift Store,
Friday, June 15, 2012
I Don't Normally Shop The Habitat For Humanity ReStore For Furniture...But If It's There! Status: Lucky Find.
It's a Heritage Henredon and it needs some love. The name Heritage Henerdon doesn't really scream "Vintage Modern" but the table itself does! But of course Henredon does build some quality furniture. It's got good bones...just needs to be cleaned up a bit.
Antique mall,
Green Shag Market,
Thursday, June 14, 2012
On My Way To Work, Before Stopping At The Green Shag Booth Space, I Made A Couple Of Stops At The Local Thrifts. Status: Kroehler Bedroom Set.
Seems like just about every ever time I stop in at the Florissant Salvation Army thrift store (now on Lindbergh - not in Grandview Plaza!) I find some sort of nice bedroom or dining room set! This time it's a great Kroehler 3 piece bedroom set.
Antique mall,
Green Shag Market,
Thrift Store
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Green Shag Booth 44 Needs Some Shelving For The Smalls. Habitat For Humanity ReStore To The Rescue! Status: Bargains!
After loading in the first wave of items into my booth space at the Green Shag Market Antique Mall I stepped back and took a good look at what was what. Something was needed. I really don't want to clutter every table I bring in to sell with inconveniently placed smalls. Shelving would be required!
Antique mall,
Dining set,
Green Shag Market,
Thrift Store,
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Check Out The Rest Of Sunday's Broyhill Emphasis Spoils. Note The Bright Sunny Pics. It Was Hot. Status: Worth The Effort!
This is the other "half" of the big Emphasis dining set that Nick of Mid Century Mid West and I picked up Sunday afternoon. Luckily Nick has a nice size van and was able to haul the lion's share of the pickings back to his joint. We're both kinda over loaded at the moment! Soooooo...anybody looking for a nice Broyhill dining set?
Dining set,
Monday, June 11, 2012
Considering A Broyhill Brasilia Dining Set But Wishing It Was A Bit More Conservative? We Got You Covered! Nick And I Team Up Again! Status: Available!
Nick called this morning with another opportunity to snatch up some Broyhill to flip for some "easy" dough. He had mentioned the set earlier but it was at double the price and I just offered to give him some help moving it if he needed it. He thought better of the purchase...until the price halved! Then a lightbulb appeared above his head.
China Cabinet,
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Old School....REALLY Old School BMX. Never Thought I'd Find A 1980 Mongoose BMX Bike At The Goodwill! Status: That - Just - Happened...Word!
Old Levi's, old Boomboxes, and now Old BMX Bikes! I'm a BMXer, Freestyler, Skater from way back in the '80s and '90s. This bike is nearly EXACTLY like my first real BMX bike. Mine was nickel plated though (as is this fine example, under the clear blue "paint"), had red aluminum rims and I think it had "V" bars. Mine was heavily modified with all the coolest early '80s aftermarket parts.
Thrift Store,
Saturday, June 9, 2012
My First Vintage Levi's "Red Line Selveged" Score. Found At The Most Convenient Thrift Store, Too! Status: Little Too Big.
They almost fit. I can wear them but they are just a little too big for me. Thrifters can't be choosers...especially with the win / fail ratio of finding truly vintage Levi's around here! Levi's made in Mexico? Dime a dozen. Levi's made in Madagascar...easy. Vintage made in USA Levi's...tough to find. Found these just down the street at the Salvation Army!
Thrift Store,
Friday, June 8, 2012
OK, This Is Kinda Embarrassing But This Is What "Green Shag 44" Looks Like As Of Thursday Afternoon. Status: I'm Not Done! Promise!
So this is how my Green Shag Market booth space starts. It doesn't look like much but we can only go UP from here! Most of this was left behind after the Parking Lot Sale simply because A: It was there, and B: It was tagged. ::shrugg:: It really was a long day.
Antique mall,
Dining set,
Green Shag Market,
Herman Miller,
Thursday, June 7, 2012
I Know Ladies..."Stereos, Whateve". But You Like Music, Right? You're Reading Mr. Modtomic So You Must Love The Vintage Mod. Might As Well Combine The Two And Find Yourself A Nice Hi-Fi! Status: C'mon, Machined Aluminum And Walnut!
I know, the stereo stuff is - for some reason - a guy thing. ::shrugg:: Dunno why. Any theories? I - as a guy - have given up trying to figure out women a while back...and been happier for it! So tell us...why don't the ladies like the stereos...vintage or otherwise?
Thrift Store,
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
The Green Shag Parking Lot Sale Was (IMHO) A Success...AND I Was Good, Mostly! But The Dishes, They Was A Callin' My Name. Status: "Against Which, No Can Defend" - Mr. Miyagi
This was it. This was ALL I purchased at the (what I'm hoping will be just the first) Green Shag Parking Lot Sale. Success (ish)! C'mon, I was there to SELL, not Buy! But Rocket Century...those bastards...they had my number....and that number was M - C - C - O - B - B and T - E - M - P - O - R - A - M - A. What? Oh, yeah...not numbers. Sorry 'bout that.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Last Week Was Such A Whirlwind Of Gettings Ready For The Parking Lot Sale That I Forgot All About This Stash Of Wentzville Flea Market Loot! Status: Tiki Haul!
Not last Sunday, but the Sunday before that Nick (Armadillo), the Girlfriend and I met up with Mom-tomic and Aunty-tomic at the Wentzville Flea Market. I would have liked to get there a little earlier but we had gone to the Skyview Drive In the night before and stayed for both flicks. AND I still had to get a post done here! So getting up early was hard. Still, we got there at about 8am!
Monday, June 4, 2012
So Ya Wanna Check Out The Rest Of The Vendors? I Didn't Have The Wear-With-All To Get Detailed Pics But I Did Get Everybody! Status: Might Become A Monthly Thing?
Oh would you look at these two! That's the folks from Rocket Century. Lazy bums! was just That Laid Back at the Green Shag Parking Lot Sale! Something tells me they won't be lounging around June 16 when THEY will be hosting a multi-dealer "Swank-A-Rama" Swap Meet / All Vintage 20th Century Modern Sales Event on their lot on the near south side!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Oh Lord...THAT Was A Long Day! I Am Beat! The First Green Shag Parking Lot Sale Is In The Books. Did Ya Go? If Not, I Got Pics For Ya! Status: Happy
After packing up the leftovers and hitting the Tin Can on the south side for a bite, this glorious sunset bade the Modtomic crew home. Home...nap...shower....Tylenol. Yes, please.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
OK...No Super Great Post Today. Spent The ENTIRE Day Cleaning, Packing, Transporting And Packing Again, The Cars. Status: Super Tired And Ready To Sell!
I took Friday off to get some stuff down to my booth space in preparation for the Parking Lot Sale TODAY (!!!) at the Green Shag Market. Oh, I'm not slacking...I'm gonna make up the missed work day on Sunday...suck.
Antique mall,
Erik Buck,
Flea Mkt.,
Green Shag Market,
Green Shag Market Parking Lot Sale,
Friday, June 1, 2012
So What Kinda Stuff You Think Mr. Modtomic Will Have At The Big Green Shag Parking Lot Sale This Saturday? Status: Gonna Be An Interesting Weekend!
Last weekend I took Friday off giving me a four day Scour The Thrifts! My efforts yielded plenty of smalls for the sale this weekend as well as the mall space (Mr. Modtomic's Area 44? I-"44" roadside treasures?) that I will be trying to start the same weekend! Yikes!
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