Again with the cell phone camera! Well shucks, it takes pretty good photos...and I can upload them directly...and I guess I might be a little lazy. ::shrugg:: For real, I just didn't have time to do today's post any other way!
I spotted an ad late last evening after getting home from work that had these three chairs, two other
Scandinavian style chairs and a teak expansion table for sale. I didn't really need the table or any of
the other chairs so I made an offer under asking for the three chairs and the table. Turned out, the
seller had already unloaded the table and shot back an asking for the three Erik Buck chairs that was
ridiculously low! So low that I wasn't really sure if the asking was for all three or each. Made me
scratch my head a little though...didn't the buyer of the table know what they were leaving behind?!
After a couple of emails back and forth this morning and a phone call we finally got together and I
found that the seller was having a twinge of "askin remorse" and since it was so low AND he had
found a forth chair that wasn't a perfect match but was REALLY close we decided to split the
difference between the asking being for all and for each. I would have been ashamed of myself (a
little) if I had paid so little otherwise. So this brings the total number of Erik Buck dining chairs in
my possession to Seven, Two of which are armchairs. Of course I'm trying real hard not to express
how bat sh*t crazy that odd number is making me! You know what else? Many years ago we picked
up a single Danish dining chair. It was one of the first items I flipped on craigslist. I don't have a
photo of it and my memory has faded somewhat, but I bet that chair was the Eighth Erik Buck chair
that I Really Really need right now!
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