I haven't been scouring the thrifts lately and thus haven't been finding that much by way of goodies. Even so, I did manage to drag home a nice pair of pots - one "tea" and one "soup". Both in perfect condition!
This little gem of a Frankoma tea pot never even made it off the delivery cart. You know the ones,
they roll out all the new stock on a cart with shelves and then just leave it there for the hungry
hoard(ers) to paw at. This must have gotten missed by them folks, cuz it was still waiting on my
when I dropped by. It's from the Aztec line I'm fairly sure. I really like the earthyness of the colors
and well, everybody knows that the Aztecs were super modern even way back in the late 1400s!
Didn't they invent a battery or something? Oh no, that was the Baghdad battery, my bad.
You know I love the Corning Ware Buffet Server line. I've actually got quite an ample collection of
this now. I may just ditch the rest of our cookware in favor of this. I love the simple clean look of
it...even if this pot isn't exactly "clean" yet. I just haven't had a chance to pull the tape and price tag
off and clean the gunk off the bottom. I'm sure it'll be lovely when done. I've got about three or four
of the newer style handles for these too and since they just pop off I won't be caught out for one
should I ever have more than one pot of gruel going at once! I do wish for a larger version though,
like a dutch oven size...but I don't know if they ever made one.
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