Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Visit To Broadway Antique Market In Chicago Yielded So Many Pics That I Thought I'd Split The Lot Up Into A Couple Of Postings. Here's The Smalls. Status: So Much Good Stuff!


I still find it amazing that there are "antique" malls in Chicago that deal almost exclusively in vintage modern.  I wonder if they curate their vendors in a way to ensure this great selection.  In any event, the selection is absolutely amazing.   But this serious Mass and Quality of selection comes at a price.  Although I was able to pick up a couple nice bargains here, most of these vendors know Exactly what they have and have it priced accordingly!


But that a good thing.  You see, here at an antique market such as this, you have an opportunity

to handle and inspect an object for anything that might put you off it.  Also, and better still, you

can make an offer if the asking price isn't to your liking!  I've always felt (and still do) weird

about asking for a discount at an antique mall, but making an offer is different.  I've only just

realized the power of making an offer since opening my own booth at the Green Shag Market

here in St. Louis.  I get calls from the staff a couple times a month asking if I'll accept an offer

on this or that.  It feels perfectly natural.


There was SO much good stuff in here.  I honestly could have shot four or five times the

number of photographs you see here but I had to ration my batteries since I had to use a flash

to get these indoor shots.  Every turn revealed another lust worthy booth full of vintage modern,

car filling, wallet emptying goodness.  And I have a hard time shopping AND shooting at the

same time.  When I found anything I liked I had to switch modes and put the camera down,

make the decision and then take the winning items to the front counter.  It's exhausting!


::Sigh::, I so almost bought those Nine Ben Seibel Harvest Time dinner plates.  They were just

$60 but I couldn't pull the trigger.  I much prefer to find these things serendipitously.  It just

doesn't feel as special somehow to just buy a collection all at once.  I'm a hunter / gatherer! 

Oh, funny statement overheard while looking around: a lady called this place a "thrift store"!   

THIS is what she considers a thrift store?  Yikes!


  1. Wish I could find a place like this in my area!! I'm lusting after so much stuff in your pictures.


  2. You're killing me. There are maybe 6 retail/mall vendors in the greater DC area selling mid century modern, 4 of which are downtown, 2 of which deal only in masterpieces with the prices to match. I go to estate sales and see 1 or 2 pieces in the right period for me.

    That's it. I need to move.

  3. I LOVE this place! That lamp with the shade!!

  4. Need to move too! Maybe six vendors in Richmond Va. worth looking at.

  5. I live in the Chicago area and if you are into selling it makes the pickings really tough when there is so much competition. The estate sales around here are a nightmare, so many people are total buttholes and very agressive. The people who run the estate sales are starting to price everything at retail too. I do get lucky once is a while but I find myself going farther and farther from home to find stuff for resale.

  6. I agree about the estate sales. I have learned to stay far way from any "conducted" estate sales, as the pricing is crazy high, sometimes even higher than what i find in the shops.....But Broadway Antique market is the best shop ever! you can find a variety of prices from high to low...
