Saturday, October 1, 2011

So What's Better Than A Totally Cool Hendrik Van Keppel and Taylor Green Case Study Style Patio Lounge Set? Status: That Was A Mouth Full.


Have I posted about these before?  I feel like I have...but I'm to tired / lazy to go scrounge through the THOUSANDS...well Hundreds...of previous posts to find out.  You're welcome. So what IS better than a cool...lounge chair?


A PAIR of cool Hendrik Van Keppel and Taylor Green Case Study style patio lounge chairs! Yeah,

I know...they need a little help. I can get new cording at True Value and would need to if I decide to

throw some love toward these. I'd really like to tear them all apart and give them a fresh coat of

satin black along with new cording...but I'm just afraid I'll get started on one and realize how much

work / time it takes and then never finish the rest. I'm sooo lazy.


I picked these up at the Wentzville flea market on one of the last days of the season a few years

ago. Bought them right off the sellers trailer. He didn't even have a chance to get them down and

display them. It was one of those crazy early flea market mornings but totally worth it. Gosh...I

haven't been out to Wentzville in ages. Won't be able to make it this weekend but maybe the next

if it's still warm enough.



  1. love those chairs, have a few myself. They are not Taylor/ vanKeppel, they're surfline.

    1. Hi Anonymous. Hey, thanks for the ID! There doesn't seem to be many images of Surfline Patio Furniture out there but there was a set recently on eBay. Here's a couple of the sellers pics: Pic One, Pic Two, Pic Three and Pic Four.

    2. Surfline furniture was mfg in Newport TN by then Wall Tube Metal Products back in the 60's. My father was the company's general manager. The furniture was made from high quality SS and will last forever. The vinyl strapping will have to be replaced periodically.
      KEEP IT!

  2. Hi:
    I have chairs which appear to be from this Company which I would like to sell. I don't seem to be able to find any other info on Surfline Patio Furniture. Do you know of any other websites for info on this company?
    Many thanks,

    1. I am interested in SurfLine patio furniture.
