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These Danish bookshelves always seem to go for pretty good money on Ebay. It seems like I saw these all the time at the thrift stores. Of course once I noticed they were worth something, I couldn't find one to save my life.
This doesn't really "go" with most of what you'll see here but my mom rocks at turning a humble wood box into a beautiful home. She's also pretty handy with a tack hammer, thread and needle and paintbrush. Video "slide show" inside!
Yup, collectible pots and know, I almost wrote "I seem to collect everything but the kitchen sink" but I have two vintage double drainboard sinks in my other garage.
Check out my lil' video. I hope everybody likes Dean Martin. I tried and tried to upload this last night, but it just wasn't going to happen. Then...when I DID get it to upload, the audio was messed up. So I gave up until today.
This cool little "console" TV caught my eye right away. The tag says "Decoration Only $65" but I bet you could fit either an older TV into this cabinet or fit a flat panel TV into it!
I looked at this chair for a long time that evening. It's so not my style but there was just something about it that held my attention. It certainly is stiking.
Mmmmm, don't it look so cool and refreshing? I guess since it's just a picture, you could imagine it as warm and soothing with all the orange and spice stuff in it!
I started buying this stuff a while back when I was going to recover a bunch of Tulip chair seats pads. Then I just started buying it any time I found some that caught my eye.
Between the 17 or so Brasilia dining chairs I've had in the last year or so I have been blessed with a full set of six that had the original upholstery in good condition, but I'm not a fan of the "birds" so I traded them to a buddy along with a pedestal table for my long "legged" table that he had already freshened up.
::Shakes Head:: This was found at the Goodwill just down the road a bit from here! It's REAL Leather. It's Thayer Coggin! It's from 1969! It's older than Mr. Modtomic!
Nice score, eh? This goes right in with the rest of the rest of the Franciscan Autumn collection. It wasn't thrift store priced by any means but was still a pretty good deal. After the Sale discount I paid $22.40 for the Salad Bowl and $6.40 for the crescent plate. Not too shabby!
I love Starbursts but I've never warmed up to this pattern, Star Glow. The gold just doesn't do anything for me. Good thing, like I need Another pattern to collect. Still, that is a pretty good deal.
These sweet bar stools were a Craigslist snatching. These were bought out of need as we were putting together our liqueur dispensary (back down at the South City pad) and figured it might be nice for some folks who might over indulge (you know who you are...OK, I know who I am) to have a place to Plant It.
Yup, these were thrown in to sweeten a trade I made today. I (only just) reluctantly gave up the Broyhill Brasilia desk that I picked up last weekend for these four Herman Miller "Zeeland" shell chairs designed by Charles and Ray Eames as well as a pretty cool console stereo that I'll get a post of up soon.
Well the leaves are all off the trees and I'm just now getting around to pulling down the Franciscan Starburst and replacing it with my collection of Franciscan Autumn. At this rate it'll probably be Easter before I get the winter dishes (Salem Northstar) out for display!
My first effort at real High End. Genuine Knoll quality and amazing design by the architect of the Gateway Arch! Oh yeah, they're comfy too! Supportive and Firm!