I can safely say that I've never been so pleasantly surprised to receive a phone call from a craigslist seller as I was when I got that call from the seller of these. Usually if an ad has been pulled from the list, that's it. Sorry fella, you done missed out!
The seller had placed an ad on craigslist for this great set of matching Hollywood Recency
glass top tables last Monday, I think it was. I was a little slow on the draw but answered the
ad anyway. The seller didn't reply that evening, even though I had included my phone
number and mentioned that I'd be up late and that it was no bother if they wanted to call or
text late (heck, I wasn't even gonna be done with work until 2am!). So I figured that maybe
I'd get lucky and have an email waiting on me when I woke the next day.
I checked my email the next day and found no reply so I checked craigslist to see if the ad
was still up. Nope. The seller had pulled down the ad some time that morning. Well, that
was that. Someone else must have gotten lucky. Meh, no big deal. Something else always
comes along, right? I wrote the set off and let it fall from my radar. So when the seller called
me later that evening, you can imagine my surprise! Was I still interested? You betcha!
The seller told me she had pulled down the ad because she had become overwhelmed by
the response. Of course I was unable to go right then and pick up the set since I was
already at work, but the seller was happy to hold the tables for me until the next afternoon.
And after picking up the tables I took the opportunity to make a run through some of my
traps and see if I could score a few thrift gems. No epic scores but I found a few goodies.
Check my Twitter feed to see that lot. Plus it was just a really pretty day. A good day for a
craigslist score!
Beautiful tables!