As I sit quietly observing from the corner of the living room, I watch as a myriad of others had seemingly talked their way into freedom from the prison that are the four dull pastey white walls of the last...I lose count...has it been Fourty or Fifty years?
Then at last, amazingly through no action of my own or prior warning, my time had come. The
authorities must have found the modicum of mercy needed to sign my release papers and the guard
removed my person to a much smaller yet mobile chamber. A feeling of liberation washed over my
sturdy wooden construction as the fresh air exised decades of dust. The feeling was not to last as the
small but mobile domicile came to a stop and once again I was ushred into yet another larger cell. My
heart sank.
I found myself surrounded by others in what surely amounts to a sacrificial lottery. What will
become of us? No one speaks and the silence is as palpable as the tension. Occasionally the
authorities will roam among us, their purpose or plans unknown. Is this the purgatory? Is this the
end? My only comfort is that I am unable to shame myself in what might be an appropriate display
of groveling at the feet of the authorities to just please....let the nightmare end.
Now doesn't that just break your little heart? Doesn't this lovely Lane side / lamp table deserve to be
in your loving home? How can you resist that...uh...Formica top? You know if it had eyes they'd be
all sad and stuff. Adopt a piece of fine vintage modern furniture today...and make the world a better
place...if only for this little guy and his fading hope.
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