You might recognize Gus Modern from Dana's blog and shop: Mid2Mod. I've only ever found (and sadly didn't jump on quickly enough...no really, I dragged my d@mn feet on those) one other set of of Gus Modern chairs on my local C-list. There just isn't a large Gus Modern population here in the Mid-west I guess. But, I gots a beautiful set to offer now!
I've not had much contact with Gus Modern pieces less a brief visit with Dana and the SIL at the
Mid2Mod shop in Texas a little over a year ago. Even then I don't really recall that they had much on
hand at the time we where there. Still, I knew these would be high quality even before I showed up
to buy them. I wasn't disappointed. Even though they are a couple years old the cushions are still
firm and the upholstery is still in great condition.
The only real issue is a single button that has popped off of a seat cushion on the sofa. That will be
addressed before weeks end since I've got the button AND I...well, know an upholstery guy. In any
even it is a used set. It's got some miles on it. But LORD is it comfy...and the next owner will not
have to lay out the big pile-o-cash that a new Gus Modern "Jane" Sofa and Club Chair will require.
I've already dropped the sofa off at The Green Shag Market but didn't have time Monday to also drop
off the chair. I'm hoping to get that shoe horned into the booth today as well. Alas, I have to remove
the cushion off the sofa to have the button re-attached so...well, it won't be available to take home
right away...though it can still be had, so long as you're willing to wait for that pesky button.
It's kind of a shame very few persons were at The Shag to witness Merna (Shag staff) and Myself
shoe horning this 82" long sofa into the booth. And yes, I do still have to find room for a 35" chair in
there too! Each will be available separately if one need not both, but c'mon...who'd want to split up
this set? They belong together!
Gus has been a good seller in our store since we started carrying it. I have the Rochelle sofa myself, and I love it. It fits right in with the vintage modern pieces I have. I bet you'll sell that fast!