Posting (somewhat) DAILY from the fair city of St. Louis Mo! Keep up by subscribing! See the madness evolve before your very eyes! (Click The Pic Above To Go To The Main Page!)
This lovely pair showed up on the list a few days ago and oddly enough, weren't snatched up crazy quick like you'd think! They weren't overpriced as far as I could tell ( know me!) so I guess they just got overlooked.
I try to keep some real bargains in the booth (44) at the antique mall so buyers will remember and make their way back to check their traps often. It's good for me, the Green Shag AND the buyers! Win - Win - Win!
I've always had an admiration for the Cherner Ant chair. Really, most vintage modern bent plywood chairs. I've never had a good opportunity to acquire one until this latest trip to Chicago.
I managed to find a little time to drop by the Edgewater Antique Mall in Chicago on Broadway over our short trip to Chicago this weekend. Not only that but I even managed to find what I consider a bargain...or at least a good deal (and you KNOW how hard it is to get Mr. Modtomic to part with his hard earned cash!) and bring home a little something.
Yeah, I got totally high-jacked today. Seems that's how it goes when you're out of town visiting others. Your time is not your own. I haven't watched TV in Three Days. I NEED some serious down time. But it's not been Bad by any means, just overstimulating.
While we were driving around this afternoon looking for some of the Junque shops in Chi-Town as recommended by Lynne (of An Orange Moon - Chicago), we spotted a small storefront thrift called Urban Thrift and pulled right over to investigate. This little Tea Cart is what we got for our trouble.
I was feeling a slight twinge of envy at everybody else's good luck at finding cool chairs lately 'cuz I hadn't got my random fix when, while out trolling the thrifts yesterday, I remembered to take a moment to quickly scroll through "the list". Bam! "Problem" solved.
Booth 41 (I'm pretty sure that's right) has really stepped up their retro game! I think this might be the first time I've featured more than just a picture or two of their booth here on the blog, but now she's got the goods.
I made my normal weekend appearance at the Green Shag Market Sunday to check my booth / stock and found this shockingly colorful living room setup newly available in the front section of the shop. Dan, the shop keep, directed me toward it knowing that I'd have to show it off to you, my loyal readership. First come first served!
The case got me curious, the keys grabbed my attention but the nearly un-used condition sealed the deal. It was coming home with me. Mr. Modtomic also loves the "Industrial Revolution" look or what I assume inspires a lot of the Steam Punk hackers. In my humble opinion, this is a great example.
This needy but beautiful dining table has been languishing at the Salvation Army thrift store (on Lindbergh near Waterford) for weeks. Yeah, it needs a little help but it would look really amazing me thinks.
You might remember this table from a previous posting back at the end of April. As found (in the sellers basement) it was a bit of a mess. I was planning a quick flip but it got a lucky reprieve...cuz I just never got around to it. Then about 3 weeks ago I got a bright idea!
There wasn't much at the Salvation Army thrift store up the street from me today. Actually, there was a pair of danish style end tables with drawers that I almost bought a week ago but the line was WAY too long and WAY too slow. Upon second look / chance I noticed how badly treated these were and decided to pass. Dodged a bullet.
Here we go again on another quest for vintage modern bargains in some far flung city that I (at least) will not be harvesting. With an estimated metropolitan area population of nearly a million people, certainly a few will find this little collection helpful. For the rest of it and weep (maybe not "weep" but at least feel the sensation of envy).
Yup, this vintage Knoll / Saarinen executive armchair popped up on the list this evening about 7 pm with a couple of crumby cell phone pics, a cheap asking price and a number to text. Yes, thank you! I shot off a text and hoped for the best. You can guess the outcome.
I should have had this posted much earlier but my internet was down all night last evening. I guess they were doing maintenance or something. Anyway, I got it done. Here's the last of the items I picked up a the Estate Sale Saturday morning.
The second thing at the estate sale that fell upon my eyes (after the pair of amazing but questionably priced retro lamps) was this trio of white and seafoam blue / green vases. They were priced sorta middle of the road. If I were to flip them there's room but they weren't dead cheap either. I think (because the Girlfriend said so) that we'll be keeping them.
This is just a portion of the estate sale takings from Saturday morning. There was lots to choose from and I think everybody who showed up got their due. I missed out on some of the cooler items but some were just a little out of my comfort zone, price wise and others were just gotten too before I could spot them.
So right now I've just gotten here and am waiting on my estate sale buddy - Illuminate - to show up. She overslept...but so did I. I was just closer to the sale address than she! I'll post more about how the day goes later.
Check out the sweet teak, danish vanity seat. That is purdy. This must have just come in to the mall because it wasn't present last Sunday when I was messing around there. I'm down at The Green Shag about twice a week...actually at least Once a week but almost always more, and I always try to make at least a quick run through the place to see what's new. This time I actually brought the camera and shot you some pics!
First let me say this about the Toronto craigslist: It's everything I think that the St. Louis craigslist will become if we should ever be "blessed" with an IKEA. Eeeee-Gaaads. You know how you can search C-List with key words? IKEA makes me wish there was a way to sort OUT listings with key words!
So I know it looks like I've really been killing at the thrifts lately. I guess I have. But hey, that booth space down at The Green Shag Market isn't going to keep itself filled with all vintage modern goodness!
Over this last weekend I found six more Libbey frosted Tom Collins glasses in the Silver Foliage pattern and this fantastic green frost / painted handkerchief style vase. The Libbey glassware is no mystery but I really didn't have much of an idea about the vase other than I felt like I'd seen the style before.
I thought I had hit the (relative) jackpot at the Goodwill over the weekend in finally finding a magazine stand for my matching ashtray! Well, fate has a funny sense of humor, it does.
While I was out running around yesterday I fell upon these fine china sandwich size plates. At first I found just four and began furiously looking for any other pieces to the set. Unfortunately I didn't find any dining plates or serving pieces...but I did find 20 more of the sandwich plates. Are you wondering why I'm even bothering with these plates yet? Look inside.
While I was dropping off a table to get a little freshening up at a buddies place (more on the results later) I was offered yet another super mod plant stand. Do I have need of another super mod plant stand...or a plant stand of any type, for real? Nope. But, as is often the case, it was offered at such price as that I could not refuse. It was cheap...and I love these whether I can use them or not.
Yeah, the word "chaos" comes to mind. Funny thing though, I managed to shoe horn the pair of gold vinyl Eames / Miller Aluminum Group chairs in here after the Parking Lot Sale and they sold within two days! ::Shrugg:: Go figure!
Yup, Mr. Modtomic is always on the hunt for more smalls to line the few shelves I have in my booth at the Green Shag. It's not like I'm running dry or anything but things do disappear from time to time and those items need to be replaced. It's good to have some stock in the "back room".