I had to make a little road trip to Springfield to get these but it was worth the drive to pick up a nice looking set of Casala chairs by Alexander Beege.
You might remember, if you are a long time Modtomitrist, a post I made way way back in the day about Chromcraft knockoffs of the Casala chair. When I spotted these, and even up until I had them sitting right in front of me, I wasn't even sure whether or not these were the real deal. Soon as I flipped one over though, a pleasant wave of relief washed over ol' Mr. Modtomic! Now all I gots to do is clean 'em up and find some more appropriate cushions...and maybe a new home for them! I already have too much mod patio stuff!
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Sunday, October 8, 2017
See...I'm Still Here! This Morning We Got Up And Out Early For A Trip To The Wentzville Flea. We Even Managed To Find A Few Goodies! check Out The Video.
We didn't come across any EPIC finds this weekend, but it was a beautiful early fall morning and we did find a couple good items.
Hope you are finding all the good stuff too!
Hope you are finding all the good stuff too!
Monday, October 2, 2017
I Know....I've Really Fallen Off The Wagon Here At Modtomic Headquarters. Well, Here's Something New! Sorta. A Broyhill Brasilia Quick-N-Dirty "Refinish".
Monday, April 4, 2016
The 2016 Flea Market Season Starts Of With A Bang! A Cool Morning Turned Into A Warm Afternoon At The Cornbread "Worlds Largest Garage Sale" And Mr. M Came Home With Some Great Finds. Status: Spring Is Here!

Yessss! What a great way to start the flea season! Well, technically we have already been to one other flea, the swap meet at Six Flags...but that was so early in the season that I consider it a sorta preseason flea. And we didn't find nearly as good of stuff at Six Flags as we did at Cornbread!
Monday, February 29, 2016
After Another Minor Dry Spell, Mr. Modtomic Spent The Weekend On The Road Picking Up Items Off Out Of Town Craigslist Postings. This Jens Risom Desk Was Found In Bloomington Il. But It Was Worth The Long Drive. Status: Available!

Hey Looky! This is the second Jens Risom desk I've come across lately. This one is a little bit bigger than the previous piece. It's more of an executive desk, but it isn't so huge that it becomes ungainly, like the double pedestal executive desk. Not too small, not too big...just about right!
Jens Risom,
Known Designer,
Mid-Century Modern,
Friday, February 12, 2016
Bar Keepers Friend! Miracle Cure...Or Something Like That. This Stuff Is So Good. Magical Even. Remember These Dorothy Thorpe Silver Rim Bowls I Featured A Few Days Ago? All Cleaned Up And Ready For A Party! Status: Available!

This stuff is so useful. I love my Goofoff...but this stuff is at Least as useful. The silver rim on this chip and dip set was kind of a mess but Bar Keepers Friend polished it right up.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
So We Cleaned Up The House For A Party Last Weekend And I "Found" About A Half Dozen Smalls That I'd Forgotten All About! It Was Like A Little Reward For All The Hard Work Of Cleaning Up This Joint. Here's Some Pics Of The Dansk, Frankoma, And Thorpe Bits That Were Hiding Amoung The Detritus. Status: (Soon To Be) Available.

We aren't very good at keeping the house picked up and sometimes we bring things in after a hunting / gathering trip and just drop the bags of goodies on the nearest open flat area. Not very grown up, but at least it provides for a nice surprise later on!
Dorothy Thorpe,
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Well, After Another Particularly Dry Spell (I Guess I Should Figure Out If It's Some Sort of A Pattern, Right?) Things Are Once Again Flowing. I Picked Up This Fabuous Chrome And Glass Pace Coffee Table After Work Monday Evening. It's Quite Heavy. Status: Available.

Nice gams, eh? When I found this table my first thought was "Karl Springer" but that turned up nothing with a quick search. Then I remembered Pace! Not a fancy desinger but still a well respected name in the design world.
Monday, January 25, 2016
"Say Kids, What Time Is It?!" If You Recognize THAT Quote Then You Might Have Bought A Wood And Brass Plated Wire Clock Like This Back In The Day! Status: Already Gone!

So, when I picked up the Danish daybed / sofa I featured a couple days ago, the seller asked if I'd be interested in this clock they had on the dining room wall. You Betchya! I can't say no to a beautiful sunburst wall clock.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
OK, So I've Been Absent. Two Things, Well Three...Maybe Four. Winter, Vacation, Craigslist, Car. But Looky, I Popped On A Danish Style Sofa / Daybed And It's Already At The Shag! Status: Already Gone.
Man, I hate me some winter. The cold just sucks the life outa' me. Last winter wasn't bad and it hasn't been too bad this year, until January. This is why Mom-tomic moved to New Orleans.
Green Shag Market,
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Wow! New Upholstery And Cleaned Up Frames...What A Difference! These Shelby Williams Gazelle Chairs Were In...Well, Let's Say Distressed Condition When I Brought Them Home. Thanks To Jeff's Mad Skills, They Look Fantastic Now! Status: Available!
Right, there was 11 before...but these chairs didn't upholster themselves. I traded Jeff (our awesome upholstery guy) 7 of the chairs for his efforts in sprucing up 4 for me. Everybody Happy!!!
Friday, November 27, 2015
Our Last Trip Of The Season To The Litchfield Flea Yielded Some Choice Smalls. This Set Of Catherine Holm And Lone Tiki Mug Is One Of Those Forgotten Lots That I Dug Out Of The Back Of The Car! Status: Available (Well, Not The Tiki Mug).

Finding cool Tiki mugs for cheap happens so infrequently that I just can't seem to let them go. I guess the same could be said for Catherine Holm enamelware, but I don't have a collection of that started.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
If You've Ever Been A Vendor At An Antique Mall You Know The Two Sides Of Smalls. They Are A Pain But Sorta Necessary. At Least They Are Fun To Shop For! Status: Another Load For The Time Machine.

Unwrapping, cleaning, photographing, rewrapping, loading, unloading, tagging and placing these items in the booth can (as you might have guessed) be a chore...but it sometimes pays the rent.
Antique mall,
Time Machine Antique Mall
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
It's Like A Freakin' Zoo Here In The Modtomic Driveway With All These Gazelles. Gazelle CHAIRS That Is! I Managed To Snag A Whole Herd Of Shelby Williams Aluminum And Wood Side Chairs Recently And They're Already Being Worked On. Status: Gettin' Some Love.

The Shelby Williams "Gazelle" chair is another of those mid century modern classic designs that I didn't even realize was on my "bucket" list until I spotted a cadre of them on craigslist last week.
Before and After,
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
The Last Of The Halloween In New Orleans Booty. I Couldn't Resist This Pair Of Jerry Johnson Tubular Chrome Barstools That I Found On Craigslist...Even If They Didn't Come With The Original Pads. Status: Project? Available?

Super mod, right? I love 'em. If I didn't already have my dream barstools I'd have new cushions made and keep this set. While yes, they are missing the original cushions, I'm pretty proud that they both have all four end caps on the legs.
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