When you spot a Lightolier at the thrift store, it comes home with you...even if it is this tiny little desk telescope eyeball thing missing its bulb. Problem is, I think it may be missing a little bit more than just the bulb.
So say you haven't yet acquired a vintage Lightolier lamp but you just ain't got no more room for any
more lighting, what ya gonna do? Ya look for a Lytegem like this. Takes up less than Three square
inches of valuable desk space and looks like a Million bucks, right? I don't know if maybe the
Girlfriend hasn't seen this yet because she hasn't yet asked if she can keep it. She likes these
little lamps.
I would have already dropped this lamp off at Creve Coeur if it had come with a bulb from the thrift
store. Not only that but it looks like it might not be a simple replacement issue. There is a loose wire
in that socket that looks like it's supposed to be attached so something. Apparently the bulb is a
simple automotive bulb and I'll be getting one to see if maybe it turns out to be an easy fix.
Cross your fingers that it'll be an easy fix. I'm not well known for following through on a project
'round here. If you look close (or follow my Twitter feed) you'll see some other what not in the
background there in that last photo. Yeah, I kind of hit a little jackpot this day. It wasn't a mother
load or super score, but it did make up for quite a few empty handed comings home. You know the
I've inherited a home with about 15 Brasilia pieces in excellent condition. I don't want to break up the collection. If you are interested, contact me at pkrewet@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteLove it! Around here the thrift stores are dead. I don't even bother going anymore. ;(