I'm not usually smitten with shiny, slick porcelain dinner ware like this but really, who can resist them some Contempri / Jackson China by Paul McCobb? "Not I" said the fly! This isn't your standard frilly antique porcelain dinner ware, no Sir. These designs are of the conservative restraint and functionality we have come to expect of all Paul McCobb's designs.
Ugh...these holiday weekends seem to be more work than...Work! Between our own parties
(we had a lovely holiday dinner last evening with family here at the Modtomic Ranch)
and meeting with friends and family and going by the antique malls to check on
things....phew, it can be quite taxing. So when we are out running around and we have the
time, we like to stop and scour the thrifts. So last Saturday, between commitments, we
managed to look through about 5 local thrifts and I had come up empty handed until the
last one, the Red Racks on Olive out near the Creve Coeur Antique Mall. That's where I
managed to find the various new McCobb pieces you see here.
Of course it was spread out all over the house wares. They obviously didn't know or
perhaps care that it was all of a set. The most intriguing bits are those tiny porcelain
spoons, right? They were taped (with that indestructible clear yellowish packing tape) to
three of the sorbet cups and the color /texture is a dead match for the rest of the pieces so
I'm operating under the assumption that they are, in fact, Contempri /McCobb pieces too.
Of course I can't find ANY such items on the interwebs.
Then there's this pair of loose Yahoos. They've been sitting around (in a Paul McCobb
cabinet no less!) waiting for their brothers and sisters to show up for ages. Good thing
they're patient. Finding and "completing sets like this on a budget is something of a
challenge. Maybe not so much for those willing to just bring up eBay on their phone and
start punching the "buy it now" buttons. I feel like this size "set" is just right for dropping
into the antique mall booth, since it's not nearly complete...but it does have many desirable
bits and pieces. Anybody out there collect McCobb dinner ware actively? What are you still
looking for?
I collect and use the Contempri line on a daily basis. I am ALWAYS looking for more bowls! Those sorbet cups are to die for!