I thought I had this great idea of creating a Holiday Gift Registry so as that browsers in my booth at The Green Shag Market could register for an item that perhaps they might not buy for their self, but would love to receive as a gift. You know, like a wedding registry!
You know how hard it is to buy a gift that you KNOW your friend or family member will adore.
Wouldn't it just be so nice to be able to pick from a couple of items that they've chosen from the
Mountain of amazing pieces waiting in my booth? See, that's all I'm trying to do...make life easier
for everyone this Holiday Season! Nooooo hidden agenda!
And I would be remiss without showing yous all what might just be available to ask Santa (Mom /
Dad, Besty, Boyfriend, Sister, Etc.) to stuff under your Christmas tree this year. Oh yes, I gots lots of
stuff here in the booth to wish for! I got little things for like Ten Bucks and BIG things (that'll take
Lots of wrapping paper!) for as much as $850, just in case you need to REALLY show how you feel!
So I came up with the idea of a Gift Registry, but it was the Girlfriend who did all the dirty work.
She set up the Google Docs page on line and produced the QR codes (as well as the short URLs) to
quickly access it. She also put together the paper version for me, though I did buy the binder,
scribble the cover and put the..pages...in..it. I didn't do much at all, it would seem. I'm so lucky!
Now, I'm calling this a "Holiday" gift registry for the time being, but it'll still be around after the big
day. Then it'll just be...the Gift Registry. Cuz, how long to the next gift sharing holiday? So what do
you think of the idea? Am I a total spaz for thinking this would work?
Uh oh...if you were eyeballin' that set of grey and white Russel Wright serving pieces...bad news, I think it got snatched up today!