I've been meaning to get by here and check out this place for ages. This past Thanksgiving the Girlfriend and I finally...well, remembered. Good thing. Love the place!
The space is about the same size as The Green Shag Market though more loosely organized, or
maybe the there are more multi-booth spaces without walls. The selection of beautiful vintage
modern items was just what you'd expect in Chicago. It's to be expected since there's so much more
hunting ground in the big city up north.
I love that there are places like this in Chicago and every once in a while I wish there were places like
this in St. Louis too, but for real...I do have to admit that I like being kind of a big fish in a small pond.
In the Lincoln Antique Mall my booth would be lost among all the others. At The Green Shag and
especially The Antique Mall of Creve Coeur I like to think that my wares stand out.
I was going to shoot a video of this antique mall but the light was just too low in here. I did get to
shoot the Broadway Antique Market but I ran out of battery and had to shoot some still of the place
too. That video will be done soon. I love getting a chance to peruse all these different places in
Chicago when we are up there. It gives me a chance to check out what the vendors are up to and pick
the brains of the mall and shop owners.
Alas, every time I take a tour of any of these northern antique malls I get all wound up with the
thought that I should rent a booth up here and just make a once a month trip to restock, pay rent and
pick up the check. I know better though, it would never work. I've just got too much going on here
at home to have the time and energy to make THAT happen!
This place is really close to my apartment. It's definitely one of my favorites here!