
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

This One's For All The Vintage Typewriter Enthusiasts...And For Anyone Who Loves The Vintage '50s And The Ephemera There Of. This Optima Elite Might Not Be As Classy As The Smith Corona I Had A While Back But It's Just As Classic! Status: Wanting For A Bath.


I spotted the case waaaaay back in the back of a vendor's space at the Wentzville flea on Sunday.  Lucky me...I got to lug this heavy beaut around for half the day after haggling it out of the vendor.  Ugh.  A lightweight it is not!


Except for the light soiling the Optima Elite is in excellent condition.  Having a durable case helps,

I'm sure...but the credit really lies in the built-in idea that this was supposed to last.  Products

designed and built back then were instilled with a quality that is sorely lacking today.  Sure, this

model was surpassed by it's offspring, but these weren't expected to be abandoned like yesterday's

I-phone.  These kept chugging right along!


And while the ribbon is dry at the moment, I'm sure this little guy would keep chugging right along

even now.  It even came with the operating instructions!  Nothing on it seems out of sorts...except

that the ribbon wasn't installed correctly (not that it mattered) I assume that it's in good working

order.  I'm not about to try and find a ribbon for this before dropping it off at the booth.  The next

owner will have to just have faith.  I'm sure it'll pay off. 


  1. This is afar cry, but are the danish style Stakmore folding dining chairs you purchased in July still available? I posted a comment/question about buying a few back when the post was new but never heard from you. Also, I went by your booth but did not see them. Did they all sell?

    1. Hi Emily.

      Sorry 'bout that! Shoot me an e-mail and we'll work out a time for you to see some of them.

    2. Thanks for your reply! I'll email you. :)

  2. Modern day manufacturers could learn a thing or two about product packaging - this typewriter has a gorgeous case that CAME WITH THE TYPEWRITER! You don't get anything with your laptop but a cardboard box.
