
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Oh My Goodness. Until You Try Out One Of These Ekornes Stressless Recliners You Just Don't Know! These REALLY Are So Comfortable. The Girlfriend Almost Hijacked This To Be The "Girl Chair"! Status: Going To The Shag.


This has been "set up" less than a half hour in our presence and The Girlfriend has planted her butt in it TWICE.  I've actually only sat in it once, just to check that it's sturdy and in good condition, so I've got to get this into the booth quick!


As the name suggests...or rather outright declares...this Scandinavian beauty reclines, and reclines

A Lot!  Nap-tastic!  And with the knobs on the side you can lock the angle of recline to your infinite

desire.  Stressless indeed.  The only chance of stress with this lovely beast is who's gonna get to it



We drove to Springfield Il. Saturday afternoon to pick up this Ekhorns Stressless recliner after

trolling through the Wentzville Flea.  We took The Girlfriends Flirt (Ford Fiesta 5 Door) and truth

be told, I wasn't sure this would be an easy fit.  I left it up to fate...and a tool kit I brought along just

in case.  For real, I wasn't "stressing" over it.  It was gonna fit, even if I had to pull it apart to get it

in there!


After picking up the chair and ottoman we stopped at a couple of he dozen or so antique malls dotting

the drive back.  I came up empty handed but the Girlfriend spent almost as much on costume jewelry

as I did on this chair!  And it was a lovely drive up and back.  We got to enjoy a beautiful sunset

almost all the way back and the little Fiesta managed better than 40mpg while hauling two

passengers, the little bit of loot from the flea and this.  Not too shabby!


  1. I bought a new Ekornes recliner about 5 years ago, and it's amazing. They're endorsed by the American Chiropractic Association, which tells you how good they are.

    1. Hi Dana.

      They certainly have done their homework on the ergonomics! I'm dropping it off at The Shag tomorrow afternoon to fill some space recently vacated by the Broyhill Brasilia drop leaf table that my friend Dan refinished for me. Looks like Mr. M will have 3 good months in a row this summer!

  2. Replies
    1. Hi SPTDub.

      And super comfy, are they not?! Ooo...and I picked up something at the Wentzville flea that I think you're gonna love!

  3. Oh yes! The single seats are incredible. We have the three seat sofa to match. Each of the seats can recline independently which means if you are sick of speaking to the person sat in the middle you can just rock back ;) It also means that it is impossible to lay on as you would a regular sofa. Think, stretching out on the back of a camel... :o You did! That typewriter!
