
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Serendipity Strikes Again...Or - Ain't It Beautiful When A Plan Comes Together?! Lamp And Shade Are Both Thrift Finds, But From Different Stores And At Different Times! Status: Harmony (Gone!)


Like I've said before, I never pass up a serviceable lampshade at a thrift because you just never know. Then there are lamps. Good ones are becoming more and more scarce, so again...if find a keeper it's coming home with me.


I found the shade a while back on one of my rare weekday trips to the Salvation Army thrift

just down the street. By itself, not much to write home...or blog...about, but you gotta be

thinking ahead. I done bought so many lamps sans shades in the past and just begged the

thrift gods to deliver unto me a usable shade. I know from what I speak!


So yeah, then just a couple days ago I found this really cool sorta Art Deco lamp base at the

St. Vincent thrift in St. Charles. Both languished 'round the house until I decided to shoot

some photos for this post. I had completely forgotten about the shade until I started

looking for one for the lamp base! When I spotted it cluttering up the dining room table I just

knew it would be a match made in heaven! And oh my didn't my chest puff out and didn't I feel

So Proud of my self for having Such Forethought!


I'd love to be able to drop this off at The Green Shag but I'm pushing the limits of my booth

space already with the lighting and everything else I have there to offer. I know for SURE I

don't have Any more outlets to plug into! So for now I'll just offer this on craigslist and if

need be, I'll drop it off at my booth space for a buyer to pick up at their convenience. It's

nice having that option and it also lets buyers pay just about any way they like...short of

washing dishes. If you've ever considered opening a booth in an antique mall I say get in

there and give it a go.  You'll probably be surprised how well you do. I certainly was!


  1. Yup, There's no way I'd ever pass up on any good looking vintage shade and I always make sure to check for them. We've probably got at least 20-25 shades of various construction and color and at least as many lamps that are waiting for the right pairing. Too much of a good thing? Never!

    1. Hi A Mod.

      I just can't look those darn gift horsies in the mouth!
