
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

It Is Unfortunate That I will Only Be Able To Bring Two Wagonloads Of Stuff To The Big Green Shag Parking Lot Sale. Status: Bursting At The Seams!


As you can see, it's right up to the door!  Lot's of this is project material that I've just not gotten to yet.  I'm hoping to get a few of those done in the next 16 days so as to offer them at the big Modtomic Lot Sale at the Green Shag Market.



It's embarrassing. No...not the amount of stuff, but the fact that there's so little room for  

MORE! The Girlfriend keeps threatening to rent me a storage unit. Is that a threat? No, not

really, but I don't think it needs to come to that. I like to think she's just kidding me

the business as they used to say on Leave It To Beaver, but I think she's for realz.


So much stuff, so little time! That's not entirely true. I do try to pull something out every weekend

and work on it but I'm easily distracted. And I hate to have to wait for paint to dry...and sand...

and paint again. I have only so much I have to distribute it strategically. Mess with

this a little, mess with that while the first dries, pull out another when I hit a snag in the second...

and so on. So it seems like I never get anything done. But then one day, two or three get done all

at once! Hurrah!


I've already got a little bit of a plan for what I'm bringing but if you happen to be looking through

the pics here and you see anything that I don't have offered up on my ads, leave a comment...

maybe I'll see if I can bring it with me to the Parking Lot Sale Saturday June 2 at The Green Shag

Market. Did I mention that there is going to be a big flea market style "boot sale" (as they might

say in the UK) at the Green Shag Market antique mall parking lot on Saturday June 2? Oh, I did?

Good. I wouldn't want to forget.



  1. my grandfather (who was a picker) the only difference between hording and collecting is purpose. You are busting at the seams with purpose! Love all the stuff. Love the hair pin leg items I see in various places. Best of luck with your sale. Wish I wasn't so far away.

    1. sorry what I meant was...

      my grandfather (who was a picker) always said...the only difference between hoarding and collecting is purpose. You are busting at the seams with purpose! Love all the stuff. Love the hair pin leg items I see in various places. Best of luck with your sale. Wish I wasn't so far away.

    2. Hi Anony. We knew whatcha meant! I wish ya was closer too! I'd love it if I could meet all the readers in person! Thanks for the kind words and wishes.

  2. I too get the disapproving stares and comments, Mr. Mod. "Why do we have 26 chairs in the master bedroom," she says. "You can't fit anything more into this closet," she says. "We need to talk about your hoard of tables," she says. The lady-folk just don't understand our ways.

    Oh well. If you happen to have a spare fiberglass lampshade or two, I'd likely be able to take them your hands. Every little bit helps, right?

    1. Hi Nick. Spare shades? Is there such a thing? I feel pretty lucky having such an understanding (and hot) girlfriend. The joint is pretty much a mess of my making right now!

  3. I feel you Nick and Mr. Mod...there has been an embargo placed in my home saying "you cannot buy any more until you sell the ones you have." Pfff...who doesn't want a ton of beat up mid-century modern furniture on their porch?

    1. Hi Thomas. I feel ya. There have been a few times where I've kinda had to drive around with a large item in the back of the car (Frank the Focus Wagon) for a few days for lack of a place to put it inside. THAT'S embarrassing!

  4. Well, this member of the lady-folk is the "collector" in this house and the dude pretty much ignores the packed-to-the-gills living room, half a garage of unfinished projects and my office full of goodness. I just get asked by everyone else that enters our house when we're moving....

    1. Hi chris. It's good to know it's not a gender issue. I think you are ok until the neighbors start asking when you're moving!

  5. Does the lawnmower really need to stay in the garage? It's taking up valuable realestate ;) You definetely got her packed to the doors! Good luck at the sale!

    1. Hi A Mod. A. It not just a lawn's a Toro with a Honda engine! I've had some crappy old lawn mowers before this baby. I LOVE this mower. B. Note the chairs piled up on top of it. No space gettin' wasted!

  6. Oh my! I wonder how you get in and out of there without hurting yourself or any of the goodies. I see some lovely items there. I love those hoop chairs ... but I have no room or purpose for them (except to hoard them for years until I do have a purpose, lol).

    I'm with Nick on lampshades. It's hard to find any vintage ones in good condition. I have two that need replacing, do you have any that you send me some pics of, or a description? I can send you photos of the lamps that I need them for. :D


    1. Hi Jennifer. Well, I have to pull things out to get in! I do have some pathways established that I keep somewhat clear. Sorry no extra lampshades. I hate to get rid of one without a lamp attached cuz good shades are so hard to find while good lamps are not!

  7. Looks at it this way, you will have so much room to add more stuff or put the cars in. Perhaps put the cars in and fill them with stuff. George Carlin was right about people and their stuff.

  8. I spot a Predicta television amidst the masses. I've always loved those but the ones I've come across have been in horrible condition. What's the word on yours?

    1. Hi OMM. This is the "fourth Predicta" in my collection. I was told that it works by the seller but the screen isn't currently connected. I got it cheap cuz the seller had rented it out as a movie prop and the plastic screen cover got broke. It is either a parts Predicta or it's waiting for parts!

  9. Dang - you so need to unload some stuff! Hope you have a great sale. I'd love to drive down but doubt it will happen.

    1. Hi Vintage H. Awe, c'mon down to the StL. It'll be a good time! Help me unload some stuff!

  10. And I thought I had my old stuff taking up too much space! Basically to restate Anons grandfather, at least you have plans for it all and seem to follow through with a lot of those plans! Hoarders are the people who have a garage just like yours and say "Im going to re-do this peice someday, Im going to refinish that someday so its not for sale." You actually do it and sell your stuff.

    I cannot WAIT to get starting on bringing back to life some of my old furniture. Right now I am in the midst of building a 60's style chopper and also helping my dad build a 56 Buick. Those 2 things are like redoing every piece of furniture you have all at once, except every item has to fit, work together, and match. Haha.

    I am sure I will finally get to meet the myth, the man, the legend, Mr. Modtomic at the Green Shag sale. My girlfriend and I plan on going so bring some good stuff!

    1. Hi Nick. Uhg...I do have a pair of old cars that I guess I'm "hoarding" at the other house. I do hope to some day get around to bringing them back to life. Anyway, can't wait to meet you and the Girlfriend!

  11. This is the Girlfriend. Who is, by the way, extra-ordinarily patient.

    You think the garage is full--you should see my living room. Actually, if you see my living room, could ya let me know? I haven't seen it in months. :)

    So, yes, the storage unit threat is real.

    But. I also fully support the acquisition of anything cool--sometimes I even help with the heavy lifting.

    Don't let Mister fool ya--this is all shameless self-promotion which I heartily applaud! He works hard and has a real passion for this stuff.:)

    Anyway, I don't get to gripe too much: the third bedroom is my clothes closet and it too is bursting at the seams. . .we all have our foibles.

    I will be at the sale and hope to see you all there!

    1. Personally, I think the storage unit would be a great idea. Make room for more great stuff. Hah! I kid... kinda.

      Hope to see you all at the sale!

    2. This is excellent! Speaking as the other girlfriend I find the hardest part to be returning to the US after a semester away never really knowing what i'm about to find behind the door. The casual daily build up might be subtle but the shock of three months worth of gathering is quite the other. It would be entirely possible to begin holding church services or at least a fantastic game of MCM musical chairs in the Nicks bedroom.

    3. Hi Girlyfren. Yes indeed, you are one super patient, loving, understanding, accepting girlfriend! Mr. Modtomic is a lucky lucky fella.

      Wanna learn more than you thought you ever would about Mr. Modtomic? Come on down to the sale and talk about me with the Girlfriend! She'll bend your ear but good!

      Hi Nick. Looks like I'll have a little bit of a storage unit at the Green Shag "Antique" Mall! Plus (hopefully) it will empty itself out over time and need refilling! It's not a "storage" unit...but a "disappearing" unit!

      Hi sparrowstypewriter. Whoa whoa whoa...she don't mean that she's Mr. Modtomic's "other girlfriend"! No no no, Mr. Modtomic's caught his limit. She means that she's NICK's Girlfriend. You should make Nick install a couple of web cams so's you can monitor the situation from afar and put your virtual foot down when thing start looking a little the garage.

  12. Wish I could be there and meet ya both. I certainly get your wanting to get a storage unit as my wife, although as bad as, or maybe worse than I am about collecting would someday like to see our house! It's always a constant battle and it's tough to be a collecter/dealer and still have space to move!

    1. Hi A Mod. This sale and the pending booth space sales should go a long way toward clearing out the interior of the Modtomic Ranch. It'll be nice to be able to get behind the bar again and serve up a refreshing cocktail.

  13. Holy crap! Why is there a lawnmower in your garage/rumpus room? LOL

  14. It's a VERY nice, clean garage, though. :-) That's obvious. OUR storage shed is out in the corn fields, and dust from the plowing blows straight in under the door...I wouldn't dare store anything that wasn't totally washable, there. So, see? A garage has advantages!

    (LOVE that long, rectangular painting right in front, in the early pics. Alas, I'm 500 miles from you...)

    1. Hi Becky. I try to keep it somewhat organized. I do wish I was more OCD about it and kept it straightened up more. I can't stand clutter at work but at home, I'm just like..."eh...".
