
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Another Project Started...Another Project Unfinished! The Wroughtan Side Table Project. It Was Just TOO Hot Today. 100 Plus. Status: Maybe Tomorrow?


It was already sanded down. I just had to remove the rattan lower tier and break out the rattle cans. I was hoping to have this done today but we had a crazy day of record heat followed by a little rain and a quick cool down this evening.


This is what it looked like when I brought it home last summer. I didn't know at the time that the

"fleckstone" finish on the upper tier was the original Wroughtan finish. I didn't really care for it and

thought it was a bad '80s paint job so I sanded it all off. I thought I might want to stain the wood but

thought better of it.


I decided to give the top a shot of shiny white and the "legs" a shot of satin black. Easy and quick.

I'm not sure about the top though, now that I've painted it. The wood sanded smooth but the grain is

raised and I couldn't get a nice smooth surface. After painting you can still see the grain, and while

that is kinda cool's not what I'm after.


I did manage to get a couple coats of paint on it before the rain came. I want to pull the rattan lower

tier apart and clean each piece individually (with steel wool) as well as paint the two steel side

supports to match the legs. It'll take some doing though. The first screw I dried to get loose just

stripped itself. I'll have to grind the head off and remove the screw with a pair of pliers after I get

the rest disassembled. Then I'll have to find a proper slot head screw to replace it (and any other

stuck ones I come across). Thank god for estate sale basement booty screw jars! I'll keep ya



  1. Your refinishing projects are coming along nicely! If you ever want to try your hand at a pretty neat bar that a certian teenage son recently ruined just let me know.. Beer provided!

    Oh also, I went by the First Capital Goodwill and they had a Lane surfboard style coffee table but it needed more love than I could provide (but totally the style I want for the den). Might be something you wanted to take a stab at?

  2. Any idea what the status is on that Lane surfboard table? I can't seem to find where the First Capital Goodwill is located, but If someone could direct me, perhaps I could give it a new home.

  3. Illuminate & Nick - I did see that table yesterday & it is a cool table but I don't think the top is solid wood but particle board with a laminate surface...then a coat of clear urethane on that that is pretty messed up. I passed.

  4. Thanks for the heads up Mr. Mod. By the way, I don't think that any of your emails are coming through. As for the table project, have you tried either sanding sealer or wood grain filler? It might help you get that smooth finish.
