
Friday, December 31, 2010

I'm Shelving This Post...Wait, No...I'm Posting This Shelf. Status: Wanting For A Beautiful Finish.


These Danish bookshelves always seem to go for pretty good money on Ebay. It seems like I saw these all the time at the thrift stores. Of course once I noticed they were worth something, I couldn't find one to save my life.

Well, then I kinda did manage to find a couple. One came from an antique mall

somewhere in Illinois out toward Vandalia. The other came from a local thrift store.


If I had endless time on my hands I'd have refinished these by now. But it ain't

happened yet. And now it's too cold out. So it'll have to wait for Spring like so

many other projects. Until then...


...The Girlfriend gets to use them (or at least one) to store her texts she's using to

get her Doctor Degree. Dag she's smart.


  1. Yep yep yep I love these bookshelves as well, they remind me of school libraries. They also make great record shelves....!

  2. Yep, yep...I love these shelves too. But then I would, because I was a librarian for the last 3 years of my 30-year career in education.

  3. I have one just like it. Found it at a garage sale for $7! Score!

  4. Love these, and your awesome wallpaper!

  5. Stacey - I always think of those rolling metal shelves when I think of school libraries. I bet you could tons of LPs on one of these. I got records, but not THAT many records!

    Dana - I'd think you'd be sick of these! I could never bring work stuff home with me. I always leave work at work.

    Rhan - I have two matching wire metal racks full of DVDs and VHSs. When I refinish these I'll probably replace the wire with wood.

    RetroRuth - That wallpaper just about sold us this house. How shallow, right?! Is it even possible to find wall paper like that anymore?

  6. I think these were given away with sets of encyclopedias.

  7. Mike - That would totally make sense! I remember the encyclopedia set we had when I was a kid and I think it would have fit right on this.

  8. Have you thought of trying Restore A Finish? It comes in colors so it might even work for your Brasilia table. I have the nine drawer dresser and just missed out on getting a second one and the armoire because I waited too long while talking myself into it.
    These are awesome book shelves. I'd love to try to make some.

  9. Becky - I haven't tried that product yet. I'll stop by True Value hardware and pick some up when I get a chance. There are going to be so many projects this spring! Check out Rhan's blog to see her Amazing Brazilia refinish! You'll love it!

  10. I've used it on a couple pieces and have been happy with it. If you are using those with color it's a must to try and match it as close as possible. No going darker. Tried that and it streaked. Not so happy with myself on that one.
    And thanks for the heads up to Rhan's blog and her restoration. I posted a link to the triple dresser I found for $5.99 at a local thrift store. Something was splattered on it and a dog got to one of the drawers, but I think I can handle a pretty good resort job on it.

  11. Becky - I've got a nine drawer out in the Garage that is missing two drawers. Got it at the thrift store for cheap. It'll be a project this spring. Maybe make it into a Audio Video stand.
