
Thursday, December 23, 2010

I Took The Day Off Yesterday And Dropped By Treasure Aisle Antique Mall Here In StL. To Get Some Pics Of The Joint For Ya. Status: Good Stuff Round Every Corner.


This cool little "console" TV caught my eye right away. The tag says "Decoration Only $65" but I bet you could fit either an older TV into this cabinet or fit a flat panel TV into it!

Treasure Aisle is the antique mall where I found the Broyhill Brasilia desk recently

and where I spotted the beautiful Danish Retro sofa that so eluded me!












...And if you have, or aspire to have a booth in an antique mall, PLEASE regard

this picture as a prime example of a booth DON'T! There is no way any buyer

could possibly get to any of the items but those right up front. The rest is just very

expensive storage.


  1. Thanks for the post Chris. I love this place. The booth in your last picture has an antique mirror that is getting massacred because it is in the back next to the wall. You can actually see the top left corner of it under the flag on the left side of the picture! I managed to see that it was 150 reduced to 95. I'd love to see it but haven't bothered to ask Chuck (isn't that his name?) for help getting to it, it would take quite awhile and probably block a couple aisles.
    Oh well, maybe next year, I don't think it will be going anywhere soon since no one wants to venture through all that junk.

  2. My favorite place to spend an afternoon!! I love TA!! Great post!

  3. Hey Mr. Mod (or is it Mr. Tomic?) I've been diggin' your blog for a couple of months now but haven't chimed in, but I LUV Treasure Aisles!
    I think I'm gonna walk out with one of those cool table lamps every time.

  4. Lucky all of you to have that place nearby!

  5. Sue - Ya know, I bet there are all sorts of hidden "treasures" in that pile. I don't have the time or wear-with-all to dig through it.

    AlliT - You really CAN loose an afternoon in here if you (like me) absolutely must look through every nook and cranny.

    Annony - "Mr. M" works for me but whatever anybody want to use is fine by me. Thanks so much for checking out the Blog. Some of those lamps are pretty great. I too have an affinity for lamps.

    Dana - I hope I'm helping the locals realize how great we gots it here in the Fly Over Mid West.

  6. AMAZING! that looked like a fun place

  7. vodka - I was actually disappointed as the booth owner who had the cool sofa and from which I purchased the Broyhill Brasilia desk from, didn't have much more to look at besides the cool TV pictured above. This person usually has scads of cool stuff! Their booths are the primary reason I stop by this antique mall so often and recommend it to so many people. I have a feeling that their booth will return to normal soon though.

  8. I'd be on to that console TV like flies on a meadow muffin, if it worked!
    Strapping an RF converter to the back, playing some old TV shows on it from the DVD collection, while I sit on the Sofa, sip some cocktails and puff on a Pall Mall sounds like paradise to me.
    Rockin' like it's 1960!

  9. I thought the same thing about the Predictas, but they seem so delicate that I hardly ever power them up. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to afford one of the new repros that are so expensive.

  10. I've wanted a Predicta since I was about 8 years old. No kidding!
    The cables attaching the CRT to the base unit get really fragile over the years.
    Is there someone who repairs those, I wonder?

  11. I fell for them back a few years ago when I spotted a repro at a shop in New Orleans. They were of course showing a DVD of some bad (great) fifties Sci-Fi black and white on repeat. What a cool idea. Not recomended to do with an original I would think.
